s_agr_2016a_2016-03-24t13:37:00z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/24/2016
BILL SUMMARY for HB16-1004
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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03:08 PM -- HB16-1004
The committee returned from recess. Senator Kefalas, prime-sponsor, discussed the provisions of House Bill 16-1004 concerning measurable goals and deadlines in the Colorado Climate Action Plan. The reengrossed bill requires the state's climate change staff person to identify measurable goals, based on the best available science, with near-term, mid-term, and long-term deadlines to achieve those goals in a climate action plan or similar document. Achieving the goals will both reduce Colorado's greenhouse gas emissions and increase Colorado's adaptive capability to respond to climate change. The Governor or his designee must report annually to the General Assembly on the progress made in meeting the climate action plan goals, including whether the state is on track to meet the deadlines specified in the plan. The analysis must include an estimate of the economic, social, and health impact on low-income individuals in Colorado that results or would result from meeting the deadlines as planned.
The following persons testified on the bill:
03:13 PM -- Taryn Finnessee, Colorado Water Conservation Board, Department of Natural Resources, explained that the department if neutral on the bill. She also discussed her role as the Climate Change Coordinator that was established in HB 13-1293 and identified state agencies that helped develop the Colorado Climate Plan.
03:18 PM -- Nick Venner, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill and expressed concern about the potential impact of climate change.
03:20 PM -- Marie Venner, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill and expressed concern about the potential impact of climate change.
03:23 PM -- Dianna Orf, Colorado Water Congress, spoke in opposition to the bill. She also responded to questions from the committee about the process for implementing the Climate Action Plan and factors driving changes in spring runoff.
03:30 PM -- Richard Orf, Colorado Mining Association, Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado, spoke in opposition to the bill. He also discussed the impact of the EPA's Clean Power Plan on certain communities in Colorado.
03:34 PM -- Dan O'Connell, Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry, spoke in opposition to the bill.
03:38 PM -- Zane Selvans, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill and responded to prior testimony against the bill. He also compared the cost of energy generated from renewable resources with energy generated from fossil fuels.
03:42 PM -- Peter Sawtell, Eco-Justice Ministries, spoke in support of the bill and responded to questions from the committee about Pope Francis’s Environmental Encyclical.
03:46 PM -- Jeff Hart, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill.
03:50 PM -- Jeff Neuman-Lee, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill.
03:53 PM -- Jessica Troy, 350 Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.
03:57 PM -- Nelson Bock, Colorado Interfaith Power & Light, spoke in support of the bill.
04:00 PM -- Doug Henderson, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill.
04:04 PM -- Tom Easley, Rocky Mountain Climate Organization, spoke in support of the bill. He also distributed a copy of his remarks (Attachment E) and information about Colorado's climate (Attachment F).
160324 AttachE.pdf
160324 AttachF.pdf
04:09 PM -- Steve Szabo, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill.
04:12 PM -- Rose Lew, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.
04:17 PM -- Whitney Painter, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.
04:19 PM -- Kevin Cross, Fort Collins Sustainability Group, spoke in support of the bill.
04:23 PM -- Susan Permit, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill.
04:24 PM -- Robert Bowen, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill.
04:28 PM -- Claudine Schneider, representing herself, spoke in support of the bill and discussed federal legislation she sponsored when she was a member of Congress. She also identified corporations that support actions to address climate changes.
04:32 PM -- Frank Swain, Conservation Colorado, spoke in support of the bill.
04:34 PM -- America Sherwood, League of Women Voters, spoke in support of the bill and distributed information on the impact of climate change on children from the American Academy of Pediatrics (Attachment G).
160324 AttachG.pdf
04:39 PM
The chair closed testimony and the bill was laid over for action only on Wednesday, March 30, 2016.
04:40 PM
The committee adjourned.