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J_WRARC_2024A 09/18/2024 09:17:22 AM Committee Summary

Date 09/18/2024
Bridges *
Lynch X
Marchman X
Martinez X
McLachlan X
Pelton B. X
Simpson X
Winter T. X
Roberts X
McCormick X
Time 09:17:22 AM to 03:53:43 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Roberts
This Report was prepared by Alexa Kelly
Hearing Items Action Taken
Update on the Farm Bill Committee Discussion Only
Discussion on the Status of Gray Wolves in Colorado Committee Discussion Only
Presentation on Healthy School Meals for All Committee Discussion Only
Presentation on Colorado State University AgrAbility Project Committee Discussion Only
Presentation on the Colorado Wildlife Council and Habitat Stamp Program Committee Discussion Only
Presentation on Platte River Partnership Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Committee Discussion Only
Vote on Bill Drafts Committee Discussion Only

09:17:23 AM
Presentation and committee materials can be found online here:

Update on the Farm Bill - Committee Discussion Only

09:18:56 AM  
Rosy Brummette-Weber, Office of Senator Michael Bennet, introduced her presentation. She gave an overview of the federal Farm Bill and a brief history. She discussed the Farm Bill process and timeline for implementing a renewed bill, the expected spending and effect on the federal deficit, and how federal members are working to get a new Farm Bill passed in Congress.
09:28:56 AM  
Ashley House, Colorado
Farm Bureau, discussed the need for the funding in the Farm Bill and how
the current structure of the pending bill would impact Colorado. She told
the committee about the challenges associated with delaying the passage
of a Farm Bill and the need for consistency for planning. She spoke about
the Farm Bill's impacts on conservation and how its funding aides farmers
in reaching sustainability goals, supports community investments, aides
broadband expansion, and provides food and nutrition support in many rural
09:37:53 AM  
The panelists responded
to questions regarding green energy on agricultural land, land use, groundwater
conservation, federal legislation, and how the expiration of the Farm Bill
would affect future project funding.    

Discussion on the Status of Gray Wolves in Colorado - Committee Discussion Only

09:48:38 AM  
Jeff Davis, Colorado
Parks and Wildlife (CPW), introduced his presentation. He spoke about CPW
efforts to capture and relocate a wolf pack in previous weeks and sourcing
additional wolves. He told the committee about efforts to strengthen coexistence
programs, site vulnerability assessments, and education and outreach. He
discussed future efforts and goals for wolf reintroduction going forward,
including mitigating the effects on ranching communities.  
09:56:02 AM  
Reid DeWalt, CPW,
told the committee about the Copper Creek pack relocation and the recent
death of a male wolf.
09:57:25 AM  
The panelists responded to questions on tools and efforts around future reintroductions, conversations with local communities and officials, transparency in CPW operations, managing depredation, impacts to the beef and sheep industry, and relocation of wolves.
10:22:44 AM  
Panelists continued to respond to questions about CPW's decision making process and balancing input from multiple stakeholders.
10:32:13 AM  
Panelists continued to respond to questions regarding future reintroductions.

Presentation on Healthy School Meals for All - Committee Discussion Only

10:36:43 AM  
Nancy Diaz, Lamar
Unidos, introduced herself and her presentation. She provided her testimony
in Spanish, and an English translation was provided to the committee. She
spoke about the positive impact of healthy school meals on childhood development,
local economies, and public health.
10:43:33 AM  
Anya Rose, Hunger
Free Colorado, introduced her presentation and gave an overview of the
Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) program. She spoke about agricultural
opportunities, supporting future funding, and the local food purchasing
10:49:15 AM  
Jessica Wright, Nourish
Colorado, introduced her presentation and showed a video to the committee.
She spoke about legislation passed in 2019 to support schools in purchasing
local foods and a ballot measure that extended funding for the HSMA program.
She told the committee about the economic successes of the program and
the value it provides to local communities.
10:57:27 AM  
Tyler Garrett, Rocky
Mountain Farmers Union, introduced his presentation. He told the committee
about the local food procurement grant program and the impacts on Colorado
agricultural producers. He discussed ongoing efforts to find funding to
keep the grant program going.  
11:02:38 AM  
Karla Cardoza, Brujila Comunitaria, introduced herself and her presentation. She gave her presentation in Spanish and a handout was provided to the committee with the English translation. She spoke about collaboration between local farmers and communities, the need for fresh healthy school meals, and the benefits of purchasing local foods.
11:05:37 AM  
The panelists responded to questions regarding milk and dairy products as part of the program, state funding for the continuation of the local food purchasing program, and the schools participating in local purchasing programs.

Presentation on Colorado State University AgrAbility Project - Committee Discussion Only

11:14:16 AM  
Rebecca Hill, Colorado State University (CSU), introduced her presentation and gave background on the AgrAbility Project. She told the committee about the project's efforts working with farmers and ranchers with physical limitations.
11:17:23 AM  
Chad Reznicek, Colorado AgrAbility Project, spoke about statistics on Colorado agriculture and the challenges that the agricultural industry faces, including weather, unexpected losses, work-life balance, politics, and market volatility. He discussed suicide prevention among farmers and ranchers and barriers to accessing mental health in rural communities. He told the committee about the Colorado Agricultural Addiction and Mental Health Program.
11:25:05 AM  
Mr. Reznicek continued
by discussing what CSU and CSU faculty are doing to assist rural and agricultural
communities, including providing competency and resiliency training through
CSU Extension. He told the committee about training and support for professionals
working in rural communities and identifying needs in their communities.
He spoke about the Land Logic program, which aims to design interventions
specific to agricultural producers, and other programs that exist to increase
rural behavioral health resource access.  
11:32:59 AM  
Dr. Hill highlighted
Senate Bill 21-137, which expanded funding to rehabilitation services.
She gave an overview of the members of the AgrAbility Program team and
the extension regions that the team serves.
11:37:42 AM  
The panelists responded to questions regarding funding for the program, the connection with the Behavioral Health Administration, the impacts on the program if additional funding does not get provided, providing substance-use resources in rural communities, and future college students going into rural behavioral health care.

11:48:33 AM
The committee took a break for lunch.

Presentation on the Colorado Wildlife Council and Habitat Stamp Program - Committee Discussion Only

01:00:54 PM  
The committee came
back to order.
01:06:21 PM  
Dan Gates, Colorado
Wildlife Council, introduced his presentation and gave an overview of the
Colorado Wildlife Council. He spoke about the funding sources for the council,
its makeup, and education and outreach efforts.
01:16:43 PM  
Mr. Gates responded to questions regarding the work of the council and input on membership.
01:23:11 PM  
Gaspar Perricone, Colorado Wildlife Conservation Project, answered questions about the role of the council.
01:23:41 PM  
Mr. Perricone presented on the Colorado Wildlife Conservation Project (CWCP) and gave an overview of the Colorado Wildlife Habitat Program. He told the committee about the program's history and the funding for the program coming from the sale of Habitat Stamps. He spoke about the Habitat Stamp Committee and how it advises CPW, the makeup of the committee, and its work with landowners.

Presentation on Platte River Partnership - Committee Discussion Only

01:43:19 PM  
Rebecca Tejada, Parker
Water, introduced her presentation and the panel. Joe Frank, Lower South
Platte Valley Water Conservancy District, discussed the service area of
Parker Water and the different water needs in the area. Jim Yahn, North
Sterling Irrigation District and Prewitt Reservoir, spoke about his relationship
with Parker Water and the development of managing water in the area.  
01:52:17 PM  
Ms. Tejada spoke
about the shared water right in the South Platte River Valley and how entities
work to manage the variation of flows in the river. She told the committee
about the variety of infrastructure and how it functions to move and store

Mr. Frank discussed the variability of hydrology and how storage is needed
to manage high flows to prevent flooding.  
01:57:08 PM  
Ron Redd, Parker Water, told the committee about the costs associated with the different projects, future construction costs, and funding sources. Mr. Frank continued to talk about shared infrastructure, potential grant funding, and the benefit of partnerships.

Mr. Yahn spoke about local support for water projects and his conversations with landowners in the valley.

02:04:53 PM  
Mr. Redd spoke about
the municipal perspective on the project and feedback he has received.
Ms. Tejada told the committee about the needs of the community and their
efforts to garner support and feedback. Mr. Redd continued to speak about
the impacts of having a junior water right and how much teamwork having
it requires.  
02:11:40 PM  
Panelists responded to questions regarding keeping water away from buy-and-dry water sharing, and the benefits to agriculture.

Public Testimony - Committee Discussion Only

02:18:30 PM  
Lindsay Ellis, representing
Colorado Public Health and Environment, testified.

Adam Queen, representing
themself, testified.

Colleen Morrison,
representing Backflow Association of Colorado, testified.

Andy Hill and
Brad McClintock, representing Denver Water, responded to questions from
the committee.

Victor Branstetter,
representing Backflow Association of Colorado, testified.

Dianna Orf, representing
Colorado Mining Association, testified.

Sarah Werner,
representing Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, was available
for questions only.  

Vote on Bill Drafts - Committee Discussion Only

02:33:02 PM  
The committee took a brief recess.
02:33:14 PM  
Richard Sweetman, Office of Legislative Legal Services, gave remarks on the bill approval process. Josh Abram, Legislative Council Staff, gave remarks on the fiscal note process.

03:02:24 PM
Motion Move to go beyond the three bill limit
Moved Simpson
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:03:56 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 1.  

03:05:26 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 1 for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved McCormick
Bridges Yes
Lynch No
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 9   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:05:27 PM  
The committee established
Repesentative McCormick and Senators Marchman and Simpson as prime sponsors,
and Senators Roberts and Bridges, and Representative Martinez as cosponsors.
The bill will be a House Bill.
03:07:30 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 3.

03:09:58 PM
Motion Move Amendment 1 to Bill 3
Moved Roberts
Pelton B.
Winter T.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:10:36 PM
Motion More to refer Bill 3, as amended, for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:11:50 PM
Motion Move to add Representative McCluskie as a co-prime sponsor
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:11:51 PM  
The committee established
Senator Roberts and Represenatives McCluskie and Catlin as prime sponsors
and Senators Simpson, Pelton, Bridges, and Marchman as cosponsors. The
bill will be a Senate Bill.
03:12:20 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 4.

03:16:12 PM
Motion Move Bill 4 Amendment 2 to Bill 4 Amendment 1
Moved Simpson
Pelton B.
Winter T.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:16:43 PM
Motion Move Amendment 1 to Bill 4 as amended
Moved Simpson
Pelton B.
Winter T.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:17:35 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 4, as amended, for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved Simpson
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:17:36 PM  
The committee established
that Senators Simpson and Bridges and Representatives McCormick and Martinez
as prime sponsors and Senator Pelton and Representative Winter as cosponsors.
The bill will be a Senate Bill.
03:18:28 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 5.

03:19:49 PM
Motion Move Amendment 1 to Bill 5
Moved McCormick
Pelton B.
Winter T.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:22:27 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 5, as amended, for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved McCormick
Bridges Yes
Lynch No
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. No
Simpson No
Winter T. No
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 6   NO: 4   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL
03:22:28 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 6.

03:24:33 PM
Motion Move Amendment 1 to Bill 6
Moved Pelton B.
Pelton B.
Winter T.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:25:28 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 6, as amended, for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved Pelton B.
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:25:29 PM  
The committee established
Senators Bridges and Pelton and Representative Martinez and prime sponsors
and Senators Simpson, Marchman, and Roberts and Representative McCormick
as cosponsors. The bill will be a Senate Bill.
03:26:47 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 7.

03:34:02 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 7 for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman No
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 9   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:35:22 PM
Motion Move to add Representative McCluskie as a co-prime sponsor
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman No
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 9   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:35:22 PM  
The committee established
Senators Roberts and Pelton and Representatives Winter and McCluskie as
prime sponsors and Senator Simpson and Representative Martinez as cosponsors.
The bill will be a Senate Bill.
03:35:40 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 8.
03:35:46 PM  
The committee did not move or take a vote on Bill 8.
03:38:50 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 9.

03:40:08 PM
Motion Move Amendment 1 to Bill 9
Moved Roberts
Pelton B.
Winter T.
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

03:42:10 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 9, as amended, for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:43:24 PM
Motion Move to add Representative Lieder added as a co-prime sponsor
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:44:06 PM
Motion Move to add Representative Ricks as co-prime sponsor
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:44:07 PM  
The committee established
Senator Roberts and Representatives Ricks and Lieder as prime sponsors.
The bill will be a House bill.
03:44:19 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 10.
03:44:29 PM  
The committee did not move or vote on Bill 10.
03:46:36 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 12.

03:49:25 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 12 for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:49:26 PM  
The committee established
Senators Roberts and Simpson and Representatives McCormick and Martinez
as prime sponsors and Senators Pelton, Marchman, and Bridges as cosponsors.
The bill will be a Senate Bill.
03:50:13 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 13.

03:51:48 PM
Motion Move to refer Bill 13 for consideration by Legislative Council
Moved Roberts
Bridges Yes
Lynch Yes
Marchman Yes
Martinez Yes
McLachlan Yes
Pelton B. Yes
Simpson Yes
Winter T. Yes
Roberts Yes
McCormick Yes
YES: 10   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
03:51:49 PM  
The committee established
Senator Roberts and Marchman and Representative Martinez and Winter as
prime sponsors and Senators Bridges, Simpson and Pelton and Representative
McCormick as cosponsors. The bill will be a Senate Bill.
03:52:23 PM  
The committee discussed
Bill 15. The bill was not moved or voted on by the committee.

03:53:43 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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