09:40:38 AM |
Peter Wadden, Town of Vail Environmental Sustainability Department, introduced his presentation. He spoke about the challenges the City of Vail is having with water quality in Gore Creek.
09:41:14 AM |
Mr. Wadden discussed
existing pesticide regulations in Colorado and how the city has made an
effort to educate pesticide applicators about protecting the environment,
specifically in Gore Creek. He told the committee about a study that
was done on Gore Creek to look for landscaping chemicals in the water.
09:46:39 AM |
Mayor Pro Tem JJ
Trout, City of Golden, introduced herself and discussed her role in her
community and how pesticides have impacted her and her family. She told
the committee about Golden's desire to have some local control of pesticides.
09:52:34 AM |
Mayor Pro Tem Trout continued to speak about pesticide-free projects that are running in Golden, why she is advocating for local control of pesticides, and how she is not asking for a full ban on pesticides. She told the committee about her desire for new regulations around notifications of pesticide spraying and additional protections around Clear Creek.
09:56:19 AM |
Mayor Joan Peck, City of Longmont, introduced herself. She told the committee about her desire to implement local control of pesticides after her experiences with pesticides that have caused health problems.
09:58:45 AM |
Mayor Peck urged
the committee to adjust the sunset review period for pesticide regulations
to be a shorter length of time and to remove state preemption of pesticides
from law to allow for local control.
10:01:06 AM |
Mayor Pro Tem Trout answered questions about the pesticide-free pilot projects in Golden and the current pesticide spraying notification process.
Mayor Peck answered a question about whether Longmont is looking at pesticide-free projects and how they use goats to manage weeds.
Mr. Wadden answered questions about chemicals in Gore Creek.
10:12:19 AM |
Dan Lisco, Sombrero
Farms, introduced himself and stated his support for the existing state
preemption law around pesticides. He spoke about how local control could
impact agriculture in a negative way.
10:15:44 AM |
Will LaPoint, SavATree,
introduced himself and discussed the Pesticide Applicators Act and the
existing laws. He expressed his support for the statewide control of pesticides.
10:19:04 AM |
Ryan Riley, Colorado Pest Control Association, introduced himself and told the committee how local control of pesticides could increase the costs of running his pesticide application business.
10:24:24 AM |
Mitch Savage, CommmonGround
Golf Course, introduced himself and told the committee about how golf courses
often extend into multiple jurisdictions. He discussed how local control
would have a negative impact on managing golf courses across the state.
10:25:26 AM |
Glenda Mostke, Colorado Nursery and Greenhouse Association, introduced herself and told the committee about how pesticide applicators would be impacted by local control of pesticides.
10:28:38 AM |
The panelists responded to questions about potentially excluding agricultural land or property from local control of pesticides, the health of waterways and pollinators, the application of pesticides, and the impacts of pesticides in general.
10:43:32 AM |
The panelists continued to answer questions about regulating pesticides and following existing rules.
10:48:28 AM |
Commissioner Terry Hofmeister, Phillips County, introduced himself and spoke about his support to keep the regulations of pesticides as they currently are.
10:57:06 AM |
Commissioner Gordon
Westhoff, Morgan County, introduced himself and discussed his experience
with pesticides and the difference between restricted-use pesticides and
general use pesticides.
11:02:10 AM |
The commissioners
answered a question about the cost of utilizing pesticides in cases where
over-saturation occurs.
11:07:55 AM |
Lisa Blecker, Colorado State University, introduced herself and her presentation. She told the committee about her role in pesticide safety education, what makes up a pesticide, FIFRA, and the impacts of local control of pesticides. She also discussed the sunset review process of the Pesticide Applicator's Act.
11:27:04 AM |
Ms. Blecker answered questions about the risks versus benefits of pesticides.
11:37:03 AM |
Ms. Blecker continued to answer questions about local control and addressing community concerns.