j_src_2017a_2017-11-17t12:05:58z7 Hearing Summary
Date: 11/17/2017
Location: SCR 352
3. Other business
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
<none> | <none> |
12:45 PM -- 3. Other business11-17-2017_DORA_Memo.pdf
12:45 PM -- Ginny Brown, legislative liaison for the Department of Regulatory Agencies, and Ronne Hines, division director of the Division of Professions and Occupations, housed in DORA, testified before the Committee concerning a bill that was approved for introduction at the October meeting, which clarified language in the "Colorado Mental Health Act" concerning "generally accepted standards of practice." They presented a memo to the Committee explaining their opposition to the bill. The Committee asked that the bill be discussed again at the January meeting, with both proponents and opponents.
12:54 PM -- Jerry Barry, OLLS, discussed a memo concerning the in-progress bill draft to modernize the Administrative Organization Act. After a discussion with the Committee, he will bring the draft of the bill for the Committee's consideration in January, as well as amendments for them to consider that take into account feedback from the various departments who have been consulted concerning the bill. 11-17-2017_AOA Memo.pdf
01:03 PM -- The Committee members discussed the statistics in the 2017 Annual Report.SRC Annual Report 2017_FINAL.pdf
01:04 PM -- The Committee decided that their next meeting will be held on January 19, 2017, at 1:00pm. The meeting will be held in HCR 0112.