j_lc_2016a_2016-09-01t09:00:45z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 09/01/2016
Initiative 96
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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10:05 AM -- Initiative 96
Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, presented the ballot analysis for Initiative 96, Requirements for Constitutional Amendments. Ms. Donaldson answered questions from the committee. Mr. Mauer came back to the table to answer questions from the committee.
10:13 AM -- Ms. Michelle Swenson, representing herself, came to the table to testify against the measure.
10:15 AM -- Ms. Sonia Skakich-Scrima, representing herself, came to the table to testify against the measure. She entered a copy of her comments into the record (Attachment C).
160901 AttachC.pdf
10:26 AM -- Mr. Josh Penry, representing Raise the Bar, came to the table to testify in favor of the measure and be available for questions. Mr. Penry answered questions from the committee.
10:33 AM -- Ms. Sandra Toland, representing herself, came to the table to testify against the measure.
10:36 AM
No amendments were proposed.