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J_JTC_2024A 01/25/2024 07:33:26 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/25/2024
Baisley X
Hansen X
Parenti X
Weinberg E
Priola X
Titone X
Time 07:33:26 AM to 08:39:09 AM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Titone
This Report was prepared by Dan Graeve
Hearing Items Action Taken
Legislative Information Services Email System Update Committee Discussion Only
Presentation by Office of the State Auditor Committee Discussion Only
Other Business Committee Discussion Only

Legislative Information Services Email System Update - Committee Discussion Only

07:33:42 AM  
Natalie Castle, Director,
Legislative Council Staff, introduced herself to the committee and presented
a background of an impending enterprise email account change for legislative
members and staff. Director Castle provided written materials to the committee
that can be found in Attachment A.
07:39:57 AM  
Manish Jani, Legislative
Council Staff, provided details on staff survey response rate.

07:40:42 AM  
Director Castle provided an overview of survey results and operational benefits for each system.
07:45:11 AM  
Samantha Falco, Legislative Council Staff, informed the committee of the process and timeline of expected committee vote.
07:46:01 AM  
Committee members provided comments on the email decision and discussed whether to initiate a vote.
07:47:18 AM  
Mr. Jani responded to questions from the committee regarding interface with Word Perfect.
07:53:42 AM  
Committee members provided final comments on the recommendation.

07:55:47 AM
Motion Move to recommend adopting Google suite as enterprise email system
Moved Priola
Baisley No
Hansen Yes
Parenti Yes
Weinberg Excused
Priola Yes
Titone Yes
YES: 4   NO: 1   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
07:55:48 AM  
Panelists responded to questions on timing and provided final comments on the transition process.

Presentation by Office of the State Auditor - Committee Discussion Only

07:58:40 AM  
Mr. Matt Devlin,
Chiet IT Auditor, Office of State Auditor (OSA), introduced himself to
the committee and provided an overview of the presentation to the committee.
Mr. Devlin provided written materials to the committee. which can be found
08:00:28 AM  
Cindy Radtke, Legislative
 IT Manager, OSA, introduced herself to the committee and presented
on Office of Information Technology recommendations not fully implemented.
Presenters responded to questions from the committee on audit findings.
08:08:43 AM  
Presenters responded
to questions regarding audit process and completion timeline.
08:14:34 AM  
Presenters provided
information on Office of Information Technology (OIT) audit recommendations
and responded to questions from the committee regarding the role of technical

Other Business - Committee Discussion Only

08:22:42 AM  
Samantha Falco, Legislative
Council Staff, provided information to the committee on the Department
of Higher Education Supplemental budget request. Committee members provided
comments on the details and implications of the request.
08:25:05 AM  
Committee members
expressed an interest in seeking additional details on potential integration
of Department of Higher Education (DHE) into OIT oversight.
08:26:05 AM  
Ms. Falco responded
to committee questions on DHE staffing
08:29:39 AM  
Mr. Michael McReynolds,
OIT, provided details to the committee on DHE integration process and necessary
legislative action required.

08:36:40 AM
Motion Move to recommend funding of Department of Higher Education supplemental budget request BA-01
Moved Priola
Baisley Yes
Hansen Yes
Parenti No
Weinberg Excused
Priola Yes
Titone Yes
YES: 4   NO: 1   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

08:39:09 AM   The committee adjourned.