j_jtc_2017a_2017-12-19t09:04:24z2 Hearing Summary
Date: 12/19/2017
Location: SCR 352
Presentation on Statewide Broadband Efforts
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11:35 AM -- Presentation on Statewide Broadband Efforts
Director Anthony Neal-Graves, representing OIT and the Governor's Broadband Office, came to the table to present on statewide broadband efforts. He gave the committee a background information on the role of the Governor's Broadband Office. He emphasized that the real issue face the state is funding, not technology-based. He stated that the office is working on finding public private partnerships and working local communities to find solutions.
11:41 AM
Mr. Brain Shepard, representing OIT and the Governor's Broadband Office, came to the table to discuss coordination efforts across state agencies and with local governments. In response to committee questions, Mr. Neal-Graves stated that it will cost approximately $300 million to provide broadband access to all households in the state, but noted that this estimate is only the capital costs, not ongoing costs and maintenance. Mr. Shepard also highlighted the work the office is doing with local school districts to meet federal broadband connectivity standards.