j_jtc_2017a_2017-03-24t13:35:07z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/24/2017
Location: SCR 352
IT Accessibility
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02:17 PM -- IT Accessibility
Christine McGroarty, Budget Manager, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and Jim Pilkington, Assistive Technology Specialist, Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, presented to the committee about technology accessibility for people with disabilities in Colorado state government. Committee members received a copy of the presentation (Attachment B). Ms. McGroarty discussed the definition of technology accessibility.
170324 AttachB.pdf
02:23 PM
Mr. Pilkington discussed the demographics of persons in Colorado with visual disabilities. Ms. McGroarty and Mr. Pilkington discussed their personal experiences with technologies that are not as accessible as others.
02:34 PM
Ms. McGroarty discussed state and federal requirements for accessibility. Mr. Pilkington discussed the verification and evaluation of technology accessibility. Ms. McGroarty discussed options to build awareness and how to take action regarding technology accessibility. Ms. McGroarty also discussed the new OIT position of Accessibility Coordinator.
02:41 PM
Mr. Pilkington and Ms. McGroarty responded to committee questions. Matt Becker, Legislative Council Staff, responded to a committee question.
02:50 PM
Mr. Pilkington responded to committee question regarding specific accessible technologies that he uses and the accessibility of Android systems. Mr. Pilkington also discussed his collaboration with the Blind Institute of Technology.
02:55 PM
Ms. McGroarty responded to a committee question regarding an upcoming technology accessibility fix.
03:00 PM
The committee adjourned.