j_jtc_2017a_2017-03-24t13:35:07z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/24/2017
Location: SCR 352
Technology Oversight and Coordination
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01:35 PM -- Technology Oversight and Coordination
The committee was called to order. Lieutenant Governor Donna Lynne and Suma Nallapati, Secretary of Technology and Chief Information Officer, presented to the committee about technology oversight and coordination among state agencies. Committee members received a copy of the presentation (Attachment A). Secretary Nallapati discussed performance statistics for the Governor's Office of Information Technology (OIT).
170324 AttachA.pdf
01:45 PM
Secretary Nallapati continued by discussing technology oversight, accountability, alignment across state agencies, and recent project cost savings. Lieutenant Governor Lynne discussed recent IT project successes, including the Colorado Benefit Management System and cybersecurity initiatives. Secretary Nallapati and Lieutenant Governor Lynne responded to committee questions.
01:53 PM
Secretary Nallapati and Lieutenant Governor Lynne responded to a committee question regarding Salesforce. Ms. Nallapati responded to questions from the committee regarding performance indicators, and the project gating process.
02:05 PM
Brenda Berlin, Chief Financial Officer, OIT, came to the table to respond to committee questions regarding procurement and performance indicators for major IT projects, as well as the number of IT employees within OIT and across state agencies. Lieutenant Governor Lynne responded to a committee question regarding efficiencies of consolidating IT programs across state agencies.
02:13 PM
Secretary Nallapati responded to a committee question regarding emerging technologies that are being investigated for government services.