j_jtc_2017a_2017-01-13t13:34:00z3 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/13/2017
Location: SCR 352
Supplemental Request, Community College of Denver
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
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02:03 PM -- Supplemental Request, Community College of Denver
Mr. Duane Risse, representing the Community College of Denver (CCD), came to the table to discuss CCD's supplemental request for cash funds spending authority to complete its Technology Infrastructure project. The project previously received funding in FY 2016-17
02:05 PM
Mr. Mark Superka, representing the Colorado Community College System, came to the table to answer a committee question regarding bulk IT purchases by community colleges in Colorado. He also answered a committee question regarding the new video conferencing system for CCD. Mr. Risse noted that the new system is mainly for student and instructional use.