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The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

J_ECLC_2025A 03/04/2025 04:01:35 PM Committee Summary

Date 03/04/2025
Duran X
Lundeen X
Pugliese X
Rodriguez X
McCluskie X
Coleman X
Time 04:01:35 PM to 05:16:00 PM
Place SCR 354
This Meeting was called to order by Coleman
This Report was prepared by Rachel Kurtz-Phelan
Hearing Items Action Taken
Appoint Nonpartisan Liaisons to the US Census Bureau Committee Discussion Only
Interim Committee Bill Draft Committee Discussion Only
HR Department Committee Discussion Only
Legislative Policies Related to Public Records and Email Committee Discussion Only
Options for Committee Video Committee Discussion Only

Appoint Nonpartisan Liaisons to the US Census Bureau - Committee Discussion Only

04:01:46 PM  
Ed DeCecco, Director,
Office of Legislative Legal Services, spoke about selecting nonpartisan
liaisons to the U.S. Census Bureau.

04:05:05 PM
Motion I move that Jacob Baus from the Office of Legislative Legal Services and Kate Watkins, the State Demographer, be designated to serve as the nonpartisan liaisons to the 2030 Census Redistricting Data Program.
Moved McCluskie
Duran Excused
Lundeen Yes
Pugliese Yes
Rodriguez Yes
McCluskie Yes
Coleman Yes
YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Interim Committee Bill Draft - Committee Discussion Only

04:05:39 PM  
Michael Dohr, Office
of Legislative Legal Services, presented a proposed bill draft to limit
interim committees during the 2025 interim.

04:08:15 PM
Motion I move to approve the bill draft for LLS 0900, Suspend Legislative Interim Activities, as presented by the Office of Legislative Legal Services
Moved McCluskie
Duran Excused
Lundeen Yes
Pugliese Yes
Rodriguez Yes
McCluskie Yes
Coleman Yes
YES: 5   NO: 0   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
04:08:16 PM  
The committee determined
that the bill will start in the Senate.

HR Department - Committee Discussion Only

04:09:24 PM  
Ed DeCecco, Director,
Office of Legislative Legal Services, and Ben FitzSimons, Director, Office
of Legislative Workplace Relations, began their presentation on options
for a centralized Human Resources department for the legislature. Their
presentation and supporting documents can be found as Attachments A and
B. They provided background on the reason for needing a centralized HR
office. They reviewed what other states are doing in terms of centralized
HR in other state legislatures. They discussed a variety of reasons in
favor of and against implementing a centralized HR office.  

04:25:10 PM  
Mr. DeCecco reviewed
the statutory changes that would be needed to expand or change HR functions.
Mr. FitzSimons spoke about expanding scope and capacity. They answered
questions from the committee.
04:32:51 PM  
Director FitzSimons and Director DeCecco continued to answer questions from the committee. Committee members made comments.

Legislative Policies Related to Public Records and Email - Committee Discussion Only

04:46:46 PM  
Ed DeCecco and Anastasia
DelCarpio, Office of Legislative Legal Services, presented the proposed
revisions to the legislative policies related to public records and email,
which can be found as Attachment C. Their presentation can be found as
Attachment D. They answered questions from the committee.

Options for Committee Video - Committee Discussion Only

05:03:52 PM  
The committee discussed
options for committee video. The corresponding document outlining options
can be found as Attachment E. Manish Jani, Deputy Director, Legislative
Council Staff, came to the table to answer questions. Committee members
made comments.

05:16:00 PM   The committee adjourned.