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J_ECLC_2025A 02/18/2025 04:10:49 PM Committee Summary

Date 02/18/2025
Duran X
Lundeen X
Pugliese X
Rodriguez X
McCluskie X
Coleman X
Time 04:10:49 PM to 05:08:08 PM
Place SCR 354
This Meeting was called to order by Coleman
This Report was prepared by Rachel Kurtz-Phelan
Hearing Items Action Taken
Report from the Language Access Advisory Board Committee Discussion Only
Appoint Nonpartisan Liaisons to Work with U.S. Census Bureau Committee Discussion Only
Preview of Full Legislative Department Budget Request Committee Discussion Only
Budget Decision Items Committee Discussion Only
Agency Budget Requests Committee Discussion Only
Options for Committee Video Committee Discussion Only

Report from the Language Access Advisory Board - Committee Discussion Only

04:11:00 PM  
Senator Coleman,
Chair, called the meeting to order and invited Representative Manny Rutinel,
Chair of the Language Access Advisory Board (LAAB), to present the final
report from the LAAB. The report can be found as Attachment A. He reviewed
the activities of and recommendations from the LAAB to the Executive Committee
and answered questions from the committee. Committee discussion ensued.

Appoint Nonpartisan Liaisons to Work with U.S. Census Bureau - Committee Discussion Only

04:22:41 PM  
Ed DeCecco, Director,
Office of Legislative Legal Services (OLLS), presented a letter from the
U.S. Census Bureau requesting the appointment of nonpartisan liaisons from
Colorado for purposes of redistricting. The letter and corresponding documents
can be found as Attachment B.

Preview of Full Legislative Department Budget Request - Committee Discussion Only

04:26:46 PM  
Natalie Castle, Director,
Legislative Council Staff, previewed the full legislative department budget
request and distributed several documents, which can be found as Attachments
C and D. She explained several sections of the documents and answered questions
from the committee. Committee discussion ensued regarding running a transfer
from the legislative department cash fund with the Long Bill as opposed
to as part of the legislative department appropriations bill.

Budget Decision Items - Committee Discussion Only

04:40:15 PM  
The committee discussed
the budget appropriation for the Colorado Youth Advisory Council (COYAC).
Sarah Moss, Contract Director for COYAC, answered questions from the committee.
Committee members made comments.
04:47:48 PM  
Committee discussion
ensued regarding allowing the current group of COYAC students to finish
their work during the 2025 interim and then suspending the program thereafter.

04:54:32 PM  
Director Castle presented
the aide compensation budget proposal, which can be found as Attachment
04:56:27 PM  
Committee discussion
ensued regarding aide compensation increases.

04:58:38 PM
Motion I move to fund 1,800 aide hours per district consistent with current year hours.
Moved McCluskie
Duran Yes
Lundeen No
Pugliese Yes
Rodriguez Yes
McCluskie Yes
Coleman Yes
YES: 5   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

04:59:55 PM
Motion I move to direct the Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House to include a place holder for an increase in aide wages in their respective agency budgets consistent with the recommendations the JBC Staff made to the Joint Budget Committee on January 24, 2025 for employee compensation, which would increase hourly wages by a total of 3.11% from $24.57 per hour to $25.54 per hour, with the understanding that the Executive Committee will revisit this decision following the Joint Budget Committee's action on compensation common policies.
Moved McCluskie
Duran Yes
Lundeen No
Pugliese No
Rodriguez Yes
McCluskie Yes
Coleman Yes
YES: 4   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
04:59:57 PM  
Director Castle discussed
funding for special sessions and distributed Attachment F.

05:00:52 PM
Motion I move to eliminate funding for special sessions.
Moved McCluskie
Duran Yes
Lundeen Yes
Pugliese Yes
Rodriguez Yes
McCluskie Yes
Coleman Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Agency Budget Requests - Committee Discussion Only

05:01:10 PM  
Director Castle reminded
the committee that they had already reviewed the budget requests for the
four Legislative Service Agencies but still needed to vote on the requests.
Committee members made comments.

05:04:12 PM
Motion I move to approve the JBC Staff, OLLS, and LCS budget requests as presented by staff
Moved McCluskie
Duran Yes
Lundeen No
Pugliese No
Rodriguez Yes
McCluskie Yes
Coleman Yes
YES: 4   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

05:05:33 PM
Motion I move to approve the OSA budget request as presented by staff
Moved McCluskie
Duran Yes
Lundeen Yes
Pugliese Yes
Rodriguez Yes
McCluskie Yes
Coleman Yes
YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Options for Committee Video - Committee Discussion Only

05:06:01 PM  
The committee agreed
to delay the discussion and vote on committee video options until a later

05:08:08 PM   The committee adjourned.