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j_eclc_2017a_2017-12-15t10:04:40z0 Hearing Summary

Date: 12/15/2017

Location: SCR 352


Consideration of Hiring a Human Resources Professional


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
Move that the Executive Committee authorize the Di PASS

10:04 AM -- Consideration of Hiring a Human Resources Professional

President Grantham made open remarks about the meeting. He stated that no public testimony would be taking during the meeting.

10:09 AM

Speaker Duran made opening remarks about the meeting. She discussed steps that may be taken to address sexual harassment in the Capitol. President Grantham reviewed the meeting agenda that was distributed to the committee members (Attachment A).

171215 AttachA.pdf171215 AttachA.pdf

10:12 AM

Sharon Eubanks, Office of Legislative Legal Services, answered questions from the committee regarding Joint Rule 38, concerning the workplace harassment policy, and the possibility of hiring a human resources professional for the General Assembly. Ms. Eubanks discussed the issues a human resources professional may handle for an organization. She discussed the staff who currently handle personnel issues for the various legislative agencies. Ms. Eubanks discussed the number of people a potential human resources professional may serve if the person was to be responsible for all of the legislative service agencies, excluding the Office of the State Auditor. Ms. Eubanks responded to questions regarding whether or not a human resources professional hired for the General Assembly should be an attorney. In response to a question, Ms. Eubanks discussed the Legislative Management Team, often referred to as the LMT. She answered questions about the role of a human resources professional to address sexual harassment concerns under Joint Rule 38, as it is currently written.

10:26 AM

Ms. Eubanks answered questions about the legal resources a human resources professional may be able to access. She discussed the existing membership relationship the Office of Legislative Legal Services has with Employers Council and the statutory authority of the Committee on Legal Services to retain legal counsel on behalf of the General Assembly.

10:31 AM

Ms. Eubanks responded to additional questions about how a human resources professional could address sexual harassment accusations under the policies currently outlined in Joint Rule 38. Majority Leader Becker discussed developing a job description outlining the roles and responsibilities for a human resources professional and determining where a human resources professional would be housed. Majority Leader Holbert discussed establishing a gate-keeper position for all those working at or visiting the Capitol to go to regarding sexual harassment issues.

10:37 AM

Ms. Eubanks answered questions about the capacity of the legislative budget to hire a human resources professional for the upcoming session.

10:38 AM

Elizabeth Burger, Legislative Council Staff, stated that the Legislative Department Cash Fund could be available to hire a contract human resources professional for the remainder of FY 2017-18. In response to a question, Ms. Burger discussed the placement of the human resources professional in one of the existing legislative agencies. Ms. Eubanks discussed the fund. Ms. Eubanks answered questions about which state employees would be covered by policies adopted by the Executive Committee or General Assembly. Ms. Eubanks responded to questions about how a human resources professional could be incorporated in the current legislative agency structure.

10:48 AM

Ms. Eubanks answered questions regarding the potential for issues to arise due to legal limitations concerning privileged communications and confidentiality depending on in which agency the human resources professional is housed. The committee continued to discussed the possibility of hiring of a human resources professional for the legislative branch. Ms. Eubanks mentioned that some other state legislatures have human resources divisions for the legislative branch, and that legislation may be necessary to establish a permanent human resources office within the Colorado legislative branch. Majority Leader Becker outlined the potential criteria for a human resources professional for the legislative branch, including the person being non-partisan, on staff year round, be accessible to all people who work in the State Capitol, and having the ability to seek legal counsel. The committee discussed how the human resources professional could maintain independence, depending on where the position is housed and who hires the person.

BILL: Consideration of Hiring a Human Resources Professional
TIME: 11:07:45 AM
MOVED: Holbert
MOTION: Move that the Executive Committee authorize the Director of the Office of Legislative Legal Services and the Director of Legislative Council Staff to propose a job description and to seek the hiring of an individual to be an independent human resources personnel to be a resource to all persons in the State Capitol, to hire that person on at least a contract basis through the 2018 General Session, with the intention that the position would become permanent with a new FTE included in the FY 2018-19 legislative budget and moving forward. The motion passed on a vote of 6-0.
Becker K.
Neville P.