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J_CDC_2024A 03/19/2024 08:11:20 AM Committee Summary

Date 03/19/2024
Catlin X
Lindsay X
Mullica X
Simpson X
Story X
Hinrichsen *
Time 08:11:20 AM to 09:09:27 AM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Hinrichsen
This Report was prepared by Bo Pogue
Hearing Items Action Taken
Consideration of Potential Committee Legislation, Department of Personnel and Administration Committee Discussion Only
Discussion of House Bill 24-1231 Committee Discussion Only

Consideration of Potential Committee Legislation, Department of Personnel and Administration - Committee Discussion Only

08:11:30 AM  
The committee was
called to order.  A quorum was present.  Tana Lane, State Architect;
Seth Ford, Legislative Liaison for the Department of Personnel and Administration;
and Rebecca Bayetti, Office of Legislative Legal Services, presented draft
legislation to increase the threshold for controlled maintenance projects
beyond the current $2.0 million.  Committee members received copies
of draft legislation, prepared by the Office of Legislative Legal Services,
a fact sheet from DPA (Attachment A), and a memorandum from DPA and accompanying
analysis (Attachment B and Attachment C).  Mr. Ford provided some
opening remarks, and responded to questions regarding the $4.1 million
threshold in the draft bill.  Discussion ensued regarding the implications
of increasing the threshold, and the potential for overhauling the system
by which controlled maintenance projects are graded for criticality.  Ms.
Lane responded to questions regarding how increasing the controlled maintenance
threshold would have impacted the FY 2024-25 budget cycle, and how increasing
the threshold would affect phasing of controlled maintenance projects.
08:30:14 AM  
Discussion continued regarding the implications of increasing the statutory dollar amount threshold for controlled maintenance, and options for making the increase. Ms. Lane responded to questions regarding the origin of the scoring rubric for controlled maintenance. Discussion followed regarding the committee selecting controlled maintenance projects for funding from the list. Bo Pogue, Legislative Council Staff, provided input regrading this issue. Discussion ensued regarding how to move forward with the draft legislation.
08:49:13 AM  
Megan McCall, Office
of Legislative Legal Services, answered a drafting question regarding conflicting

08:54:10 AM
Motion Support the $4.1 million threshold option in the draft bill
Moved Mullica
Catlin Yes
Lindsay No
Mullica Yes
Simpson Yes
Story No
Hinrichsen Yes
YES: 4   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Discussion of House Bill 24-1231 - Committee Discussion Only

08:54:12 AM  
Representatives Young
and Daugherty, co-prime sponsors, explained House Bill 24-1231 State FUnding
for Higher Education Projects. The bill directs the State Treasurer to
execute a lease-purchase agreement to fund the certain capital construction
09:01:38 AM  
The sponsors and
institution representatives answered questions from the committee.
09:08:41 AM  
The chair laid over
House Bill 24-1231 until Thursday, March 21.

09:09:27 AM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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