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J_CDC_2019A 02/05/2019 08:08:31 AM Committee Summary

Date 02/05/2019
Beckman X
Sonnenberg X
Story X
Valdez A. *
Fields X
Roberts X
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Time 08:08:31 AM to 08:59:58 AM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Representative Roberts
This Report was prepared by Matt Bishop
Hearing Items Action Taken
Consideration of Real Property Transaction, Colorado Parks and Wildlife Passed
Staff Presentation Committee Discussion Only

Consideration of Real Property Transaction, Colorado Parks and Wildlife - Passed

08:08:41 AM  

Mr. Kris Middledorf, Area 10 Wildlife Manger for the Division of Parks and Wildlife, described an access easement proposal (Attachment A).  Mr. Middledorf and Mr. Doug Vilsack, Legislative Liaison for the Department of Natural Resources, responded to questions from the committee related to the current proposed use of the property, funding sources, and the location of new parking lots.

08:14:23 AM  

Mr. Vilsack responded to further questions from the committee related to land maintenance, the overall magnitude of easements owned by the state, fee title state purchases, and recent fee increases for parks.

08:25:52 AM  

Mr. Middledorf and Mr. Vilsack responded to further questions from the committee about hunting licenses, Habitat Stamp revenues, the limitations on an access easement, and water rights on the property.

08:33:41 AM  

Mr. Vilsack responded to further questions from the committee related to property transaction processes and the request for proposal process.

08:37:54 AM
Motion Recommend support for the Division of Parks and Wildlife's proposal to acquire an access easement for public fishing, hunting, and wildlife viewing at Flanders Ranch.
Moved Fields
Beckman No
Sonnenberg Yes
Story Yes
Valdez A. Excused
Fields Yes
Roberts Yes
YES: 4   NO: 1   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

Staff Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

08:38:34 AM  

Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, introduced capital funding prioritization and presented last year's prioritized Capital Development Committee letter to the Joint Budget Committee (Attachment B).  Ms. Donaldson also shared the list of current year requests, as prioritized by the Office of State Planning and Budgeting and the Colorado Commission on Higher Education (Attachments C and D).  Ms. Donaldson described the state's intercept program and noted which projects will be involved with it.

08:46:15 AM  

Ms. Donaldson described methods that past committees have used for prioritization.  Ms. Donaldson responded to questions from the committee about collaboration with the Joint Budget Committee, and described phasing in capital funding.

08:56:41 AM  

Ms. Donaldson responded to a question from the committee related to certificate of participation projects.

08:59:58 AM   The committee adjourned.