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J_CDC_2019A 01/17/2019 08:02:22 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/17/2019
Beckman X
Sonnenberg X
Story X
Valdez A. X
Fields X
Roberts X
X = Present, E = Excused, A = Absent, * = Present after roll call
Time 08:02:22 AM to 08:51:52 AM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by Representative Roberts
This Report was prepared by Kori Donaldson
Hearing Items Action Taken
Presentation of FY 2019-20 Budget Request, Department of Personnel and Administration Committee Discussion Only
HB19-1062 Committee Discussion Only

Presentation of FY 2019-20 Budget Request, Department of Personnel and Administration - Committee Discussion Only

08:02:31 AM  

Ms. Kara Veitch, Acting Executive Director, Mr. Rick Lee, Director of the Division of Capital Assets, and Mr. Timothy Gilbert, Project Manager for Capitol Complex Architects, Department of Personnel and Administration, presented a request for state funds for the Historical Property Rehabilitation project. The project performs restorations in the Governor's Mansion. Committee members received a written description of the project, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment A). Ms. Veitch provided background on the mansion, and discussed restorations performed under previous appropriations. She also discussed restorations to take place under the current request. Ms. Veitch responded to questions regarding the occupancy of the Governor's Mansion.

08:07:32 AM  
Ms. Veitch responded to questions regarding the history of appropriations for renovations in the Governor's Mansion.

HB19-1062 - Committee Discussion Only

08:10:34 AM  

Representative Rich and Senator Scott, prime sponsors, presented House Bill 19-1062, concerning the Grand Junction Regional Center campus. The bill was before the committee under House Rule 50. Committee members received a copy of the legislation (Attachment B); a memorandum providing background on the Grand Junction Regional Center, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment C); a fact sheet in support of the bill (Attachment D); and an amendment that will be offered in the House Finance Committee (Attachment E). Representative Rich provided background on the Grand Junction Regional Center, and explained the effect of the bill and the amendment. Senator Scott provided input on the issues raised by the legislation. Representative Rich responded to questions regarding the current use of the center.  Discussion ensued regarding potential costs associated with the center being transferred from the Department of Human Services to another state agency, and the original legislation that mandated the sale of the property.

08:22:59 AM  

Discussion returned to potential costs associated with the state retaining the Grand Junction Regional Center, or transferring it to a local government entity. Discussion followed regarding the potential for subdividing the property. Ms. Gayle Berry, Mesa County Lobbyist, and Commissioner Rose Pugliese, Mesa County Board of County Commissioners, came to the table to inform the committee about potential uses for the property from the local government perspective. Commissioner Pugliese and Senator Scott responded to questions regarding potential private developer interest in the regional center property. Ms. Berry noted the position of the Grand Junction Chamber of Commerce on the property.

08:33:32 AM  
Discussion ensued regarding the ramifications of a potential Native American burial site being situated on the property. Ms. Kori Donaldson, Legislative Council Staff, provided input on this issue. Commissioner Pugliese responded to questions regarding how a local government might address some of the derelict buildings on the regional center property if it acquired the property, and potential issues that might arise if the property stood vacant for an extended period of time. Discussion followed regarding the properties adjacent to the Grand Junction Regional Center, and remediation that may need to take place on the property to sell it. Representative Rich discussed reporting requirements associated with the property. Discussion returned to 2016 legislation associated with the disposal of the regional center.
08:47:06 AM  
Ms. Berry responded to questions regarding the decline of the client population on the Grand Junction Regional Center campus. Representative Roberts provided his position on HB 19-1062.

08:51:23 AM
Motion Recommend support for HB 19-1062 with amendment L.001.
Moved Fields
Beckman Yes
Sonnenberg No
Story Yes
Valdez A. Yes
Fields Yes
Roberts Yes
YES: 5   NO: 1   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

08:51:52 AM   The committee adjourned.