j_cdc_2017a_2017-04-13t08:01:37z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 04/13/2017
Location: SCR 352
Consideration of Two-Year Cash List, Arapahoe Community College
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08:01 AM -- Consideration of Two-Year Cash List, Arapahoe Community College
The committee was called to order. A quorum was present. Dr. Diana Doyle, President, Arapahoe Community College (ACC), Dr. Cindy Somers, Vice President of Administrative Services, ACC, and Mark Superka, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Colorado Community College System (CCCS), discussed a new project on the college's two-year projection of cash need: Castle Rock Collaboration Campus. Committee members received a summary of the project, prepared by Legislative Council Staff (Attachment A).
170413 AttachA.pdf
08:14 AM
Dr. Doyle responded to committee questions regarding the new campus.
08:20 AM
Mr. Superka responded to committee questions regarding the source of cash funds for the project and the debt capacity of CCCS. Dr. Doyle responded to committee questions regarding the increase in student fees. Mr. Superka responded to committee questions regarding pending increases in tuition at CCCS institutions.
08:27 AM
Dr. Doyle responded to committee questions regarding student approval of the student fee increase and the partnership with Colorado State University. Dr. Doyle, Dr. Somers, and Mr. Superka continued to respond to committee questions.
08:40 AM
Dr. Doyle responded to further committee questions about the project.
08:45 AM
Consideration of the project was laid over for action at a future committee meeting. The committee adjourned.