j_cdc_2016a_2016-03-24t07:35:00z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 03/24/2016
2016 Capital-Related Legislation to Date
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07:59 AM -- 2016 Capital-Related Legislation to Date
Mr. Becker briefed the committee on legislation introduced or considered during the 2016 session related to capital construction. Committee members received a spreadsheet outlining these proposals (Attachment B). Ms. Esther van Mourik, Office of Legislative Legal Services, provided an overview of a pair of bills profiled in Attachment B. Ms. van Mourik responded to questions regarding stakeholder input on the process for transitioning residents of the Grand Junction Regional Center campus, and sponsorship for the bill concerning this center. Ms. Donaldson noted that the bill would come before the committee in accordance with legislative rules unless this requirement is waived. The committee agreed to waive their review of the bill.
160324 AttachB.pdf
08:15 AM
Ms. van Mourik continued to provide input on 2016 capital-related legislation. Ms. van Mourik and Ms. Donaldson responded to questions regarding a bill concerning the Higher Education Revenue Bond Intercept Program. Discussion ensued regarding potential legislation concerning the dollar threshold for requiring approval of certain higher education cash-funded capital projects by the committee.