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J_CBAC_2024A 11/15/2024 01:26:34 PM Committee Summary

Date 11/15/2024
Maria Garcia Berry *
Georgianna Contiguglia X
Dawn DiPrince X
Fenberg *
Richard Lee X
Lindstedt X
Eric Mandil X
Cindi Markwell X
Kurt Morrison X
Danielle Oliveto X
Vanessa Reilly X
Lois Court (Chair) X
Time 01:26:34 PM to 04:15:27 PM
Place SCR 352
This Meeting was called to order by Lois Court (Chair)
This Report was prepared by Alexa Kelly
Hearing Items Action Taken
Call to order Committee Discussion Only
Elect Chair and Vice Chair Committee Discussion Only
Presentation of Financials Committee Discussion Only
Sand Creek Massacre Memorial Presentation Committee Discussion Only
Capitol Complex Capital Projects Committee Discussion Only
Display of Colorado Constitution Committee Discussion Only
Historic Items Inventory Committee Discussion Only
America 250 Colorado 150 Commission Committee Discussion Only
Staff Updates Committee Discussion Only

01:26:37 PM
The committee made

Call to order - Committee Discussion Only

01:27:21 PM  
The chair made opening comments.

Elect Chair and Vice Chair - Committee Discussion Only

01:29:22 PM  
The committee elected Senator Court for Chair of the committee.
01:29:39 PM  
The committee elected Representative Lindstedt for Vice-Chair of the committee.

Presentation of Financials - Committee Discussion Only

01:30:29 PM  
Gina Sanchez, Legislative Council Staff, introduced her presentation on the financial status of the Gold Fund. She went over the totals currently in the fund.
01:35:19 PM  
Amanda Clapham, Legislative Council Staff, responded to questions regarding presidential portraits.
01:35:48 PM  
Ms. Sanchez continued
to discuss the committee's budget.

Sand Creek Massacre Memorial Presentation - Committee Discussion Only

01:40:17 PM  
Otto Braided Hair, Northern Cheyenne, introduced his presentation. He discussed the memorial and the work that has been done on it.
01:43:28 PM  
Chris Tall Bear, Southern Cheyenne, introduced himself and gave an invocation.
01:46:09 PM  
Andrew Masich, historian
and consultant, gave an overview of the members of the Sand Creek Massacre
Memorial Committee and the history of the massacre.
01:51:40 PM  
Gerald Shippen, sculptor,
talked about his experience designing the monument and gaining inspiration
from other monuments. He spoke about the existing model design.
01:59:05 PM  
Gail Ridgely, Northern Arapaho, spoke about his role in creating the monument.
02:05:22 PM  
Ben Ridgely, Northern Arapaho, made comments on the monument.

02:16:48 PM
Motion Move to recommend to the Capitol Development Committee that they approve the proposed design for the Sand Creek Massacre Memorial
Moved Lindstedt
Maria Garcia Berry
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Vanessa Reilly
Lois Court (Chair)
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
02:16:50 PM  
Committee members thanked the panelists and made comments on the design.

Capitol Complex Capital Projects - Committee Discussion Only

02:18:32 PM  
Susan Kohuth, EUA, gave an overview of her presentation. She spoke about the goals for the renovation of the cafeteria and the different updates that are being proposed.
02:21:10 PM  
The committee was shown images of the proposed design.
02:32:49 PM  
Ms. Kohuth responded to questions from the committee.
02:41:53 PM  
The committee discussed how to move forward on the project.
02:42:06 PM  
Jane Crisler, EUA, gave an overview of a rehabilitation project getting started in the Governor's Office. This renovation will include the flooring, removing the wood paneling, and upgrading the lighting.
02:49:21 PM  
Richard Lee gave an update on the landscaping project. He spoke about what will be brought to the legislature in the upcoming years to get the projects approved and funded.

Display of Colorado Constitution - Committee Discussion Only

02:51:23 PM  
Jason Hanson, History Colorado, introduced his presentation. He spoke about the work behind deciding how to display the Colorado Constitution, which will be to use an existing screen on the first floor of the Capitol. He told the committee about potential exhibition panels and the committee discussed the future of the panels.
02:59:38 PM  
Mr. Hanson continued to discuss the budget for the project.
03:01:24 PM  
Amanda Clapham, Legislative Council Staff, discussed where the funding for the project might come from.
03:01:55 PM  
Mr. Hanson told the committee about the current display of the Colorado Constitution at History Colorado.
03:02:20 PM  
Ms. Clapham responded to questions from the committee regarding the touch-screen display, showing the Colorado Constitution online, providing it in Spanish, and accessibility.

03:05:20 PM
Motion Move the project for consideration by the Executive Committee of Legislative Council
Moved Lindstedt
Maria Garcia Berry
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Vanessa Reilly
Lois Court (Chair)
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

Historic Items Inventory - Committee Discussion Only

03:06:04 PM  
Melissa DeBie, History Colorado, introduced her presentation. She spoke about House Bill 24-1442, which requires History Colorado to inventory materials original to the State Capitol. She told the committee about how many items they have found to date and which areas still need to be inventoried. The committee was shown images of the process of inventorying the various items.
03:12:34 PM  
Ms. DeBie spoke about what will be in the permanent collection and the guidelines that will be followed to preserve these items. She answered a question regarding what is considered to have historic value. She told the committee about the types of items that are being found.
03:21:12 PM  
Ms. DeBie continued to tell the committee about items that are not considered historical to the building. She responded to questions about furniture.
03:25:05 PM  
Jeanette Chapman, Legislative Council Staff, spoke about excess historic items and what the project would do with it, including potentially sending furniture to auction. The committee discussed what to do with the excess historic furniture and the timeline for removing the furniture currently in the State Capitol building.
03:36:48 PM  
Ms. DeBie, Ms. Chapman,
and the committee continued to discuss the timeline for moving furniture
before exsiting offices are converted.

America 250 Colorado 150 Commission - Committee Discussion Only

03:43:33 PM  
Danielle Oliveto, Office of the Governor, introduced her presentation and gave background on the Commission. Cheri Gonzalez, Philanthropy Experts, discussed benefits for financial contributors to the 150-250 Commission efforts, including potential plaques at the State Capitol. Ms. Oliveto gave background on the 150-250 Commission and the key initiatives it is pursuing. She told the committees about the agency efforts to celebrate Colorado turning 150 years old.
03:49:47 PM  
Ms. Oliveto told the committee about the 150 pedestrian walkway, which would connect the Capitol Complex with Lincoln Veterans Park and eventually to Civic Center Park. She spoke about the storytelling aspect of the celebration, which includes soliciting contributions from communities across Colorado.
03:54:15 PM  
The committee made comments on the presentation.
03:55:10 PM  
Amanda Clapham, Legislative Council Staff, spoke about the 150-250 projects within the State Capitol, which includes remeasuring the mile-high marker on the West steps of the Capitol, lego displays of the House and Senate chambers, and involving the communities across Colorado.
03:59:38 PM  
The committee discussed the mile-high markers on the Capitol steps.
04:00:33 PM  
Ms. Chapman discussed new items that can be sold for the celebration, including a variety of stickers. The committee discussed the type of stickers that could be sold.

04:05:27 PM
Motion Move to approve the sale of stickers in the gift shop
Moved Lindstedt
Maria Garcia Berry
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Vanessa Reilly
Lois Court (Chair)
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection

Staff Updates - Committee Discussion Only

04:05:41 PM  
Ms. Chapman and the committee discussed the committee's schedule for 2025.
04:07:07 PM  
Ms. Chapman discussed
the status of the inventory and the need for additional shelving.

04:12:45 PM
Motion Move to approve reimbursing History Colorado for shelving purchased.
Moved Lindstedt
Maria Garcia Berry
Georgianna Contiguglia
Dawn DiPrince
Richard Lee
Eric Mandil
Cindi Markwell
Kurt Morrison
Danielle Oliveto
Vanessa Reilly
Lois Court (Chair)
YES: 0   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  Pass Without Objection
04:12:45 PM  
Ms. Markwell spoke about the State Capitol Treasure Hunt activity.

04:15:27 PM   The committee adjourned.