i_wrrc_2016a_2016-08-02t14:07:00z5 Hearing Summary
Date: 08/02/2016
Tamarisk Removal and Revegetation
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04:01 PM -- Tamarisk Removal and Revegetation
04:02 PM
The committee recessed.
04:11 PM
The committee reconvened. Rusty Loyd, Program Director, and Shannon Hatch, Restoration Coordinator, both representing the Tamarisk Coalition, discussed the mission and recent projects of their organization. He discussed recent growth of tamarisk and Russian olive plants in the western United States and their impact on water resources. Ms. Hatch discussed local projects in the Grand Valley area.
04:21 PM
Committee discussion ensued on how tamarisks can change the geomorphology of riverbeds. Ms. Hatch also discussed other related projects throughout the state, including a phreatophyte project on the South Platte and Arkansas Rivers. Mr. Loyd also highlighted some projects on the Delores and White Rivers.
04:26 PM
Committee discussion ensued on how tamarisk growth changes with elevation.