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I_WMRC_2024A 07/18/2024 09:10:34 AM Committee Summary

Date 07/18/2024
Baisley E
Boesenecker X
Exum *
Lynch X
Marchman E
Mauro X
Weinberg X
Will E
Velasco E
Cutter X
Time 09:10:34 AM to 03:43:52 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Cutter
This Report was prepared by Amanda King
Hearing Items Action Taken
Presentation from the Division of Insurance Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Rocky Mountain Insurance Association and Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Milliman Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Colorado State Forest Service Committee Discussion Only
Lunch Committee Discussion Only
Utilities Panel Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Boulder and Jefferson County Emergency Management Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Colorado Counties, Inc. Committee Discussion Only

Presentation from the Division of Insurance - Committee Discussion Only

09:12:01 AM  
Senator Cutter, Chair,
called the meeting to order and reviewed the meeting agenda (Attachment
A). The committee took a brief recess.
09:12:18 AM  
The committee came back to order.
09:12:34 AM  
Commission Michael
Conway, representing the Division of Insurance in the Department of Regulatory
Affairs, made a presentation to the committee (Attachment B).  He
reviewed information about recent media reports about the home insurance
market. Commissioner Conway reviewed information about homeowner insurance
premiums. He reviewed information about recent legislation related to homeowners
insurance and wildfires, including House Bill 23-1174, House Bill 23-1288,
House Bill 24-1315, and House Bill 24-1108.
09:19:49 AM  

Commissioner Conway continued to review information about the Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan established by House Bill 23-1288. He reviewed additional information about House Bill 23-1174 concerning underinsurance and the reconstruction cost report that is due on April 1, 2025.

09:22:55 AM  
Commissioner Conway reviewed the community outreach and education the division is doing, including community and stakeholder meetings. He discussed the global reinsurance market. Commissioner Conway explained home hardening programs. He stated that nine states have these programs, including Alabama, Louisiana, Minnesota, and Oklahoma. Commissioner Conway explained how the division is learning about these programs.
09:29:21 AM  
Commissioner Conway discussed wildfire risk models, which are used by insurers to evaluate where to write business and the premiums they charge. He discussed the challenges with the homeowner insurance market and how mitigation is key. He reviewed the steps the division are taking to address the homeowner insurance issues, along with online resources that are available from the division.

Presentation from Rocky Mountain Insurance Association and Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety - Committee Discussion Only

09:40:32 AM  
Carole Walker, representing the Rocky Mountain Insurance Association, presented to the committee (Attachment C). She reviewed information about the association and data related to weather and climate disasters. She stated that Colorado is number two for hail damage and third for wildfire damage in the United States. Ms. Walker reviewed information about homeowners insurance becoming unaffordable in some states, which includes Colorado. She stated that Colorado's homeowners insurance premiums are 87 percent higher than nationwide. She reviewed information about the impact of rebuilding costs on homeowners insurance premiums, including materials and labor.
09:47:27 AM  
Ms. Walker reviewed information about insurance consumer impacts, including non-renewals and underinsurance concerns. She reviewed information about House Bill 23-1288, which created the FAIR Plan, which is an insurer of last resort. Ms. Walker stated the goal of the plan is to reduce risk and stabilize the private insurance market.
09:52:20 AM  
Dr. Anne Cope, representing
the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS), presented
to the committee (Attachment D). She discussed how science is informing
matters related to wildfires mitigation, including that a distance as small
as five feet can have a great impact on breaking the fire chain. Dr. Cope
discussed the importance roofing materials, fencing materials, and windows
have in preventing fires from spreading. She discussed wildfire prepared
homes including roofs, building features, defensible spaces, and additional
mitigation measures. Dr. Cope discussed connective fuels and vegetation
in communities that cause vulnerabilities for wildfires.  
10:02:55 AM  
Dr. Cope discussed
information about the Lahaina fire in Hawaii and the lessons that can be
learned from that fire. She discussed the computer simulations, field observations,
and experimental testing done by IBHS. Dr. Cope discussed the impact of
hail on Colorado and the IBHS Hail Research Program. She reviewed information
about high-impact shingles.
10:12:32 AM  
Ms. Walker and Dr. Cope responded to questions from the committee about the presentation, how the committee can address homeowners insurance, and how to communicate community goals.

Presentation from Milliman - Committee Discussion Only

10:28:38 AM  
Rehan Siddique, representing
Milliman, presented to the committee (Attachment E). He reviewed information
about Milliman and the Milliman Climate Resilience Initiative. Mr. Siddique
discussed catastrophe model applications, including how they are conventionally
used as well as some new uses, including loss mitigation, climate change
planning, and credit risk. He reviewed information on how the catastrophe
model treatment varies widely among states and how the model is being used
in Colorado.  
10:38:47 AM  
Mr. Siddique discussed
the challenges for insurance regulators, including the lack of appropriate
expertise to review the models and the need to protecting proprietary information.
He explained how Milliman is trying to address the wildfire insurance crisis,
including affordability and sustainability. He discussed the need to measure
related data, how to communicate the risk to stakeholders and homeowners,
and how to mitigate wildfire risks. Mr. Siddique reviewed the intended
outcomes of the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) Data Common, which includes
collective action, accurate pricing, and transparency.  
10:48:10 AM  
Mr. Siddique continued to discuss the WUI Data Commons, including data collectors and data consumers. He reviewed information about the Paradise fire in California, including the impact of mitigation on homeowners insurance premiums. Mr. Siddique discussed industry data calls, which is part of a long-term strategy to gain more insight into the health of property markets at both the state and national level, and how they can be used by regulators and legislators to better understand the insurance market. He explained the catastrophic risk atlas and how it can be used to target mitigation funding.
10:59:45 AM  
Mr. Siddique responded
to questions from the committee about the presentation, including how Milliman
is involved in rebuilding efforts in Paradise, California.

Presentation from Colorado State Forest Service - Committee Discussion Only

11:03:59 AM  
Christina Burri,
representing the State Forest Services (CSFS), presented to the committee
(Attachment F). She reviewed the mission and history of the CSFS. Ms. Burri
discussed the Upper South Platte Watershed, including the risk to the watershed,
and the Upper South Platte Partnership. She discussed the Hi Meadow Fire
that occurred in 2000, and forest treatments, such as the Heavens Project.
Ms. Burri discussed different tree types found in Colorado forests and
the concept of groupy clumpy tree growth. She reviewed information about
the U.S. Forest Service Jerome Miller Project, and the benefits of the
project including how fuels have been reduced in the area through the project
and wildlife benefits. Ms. Burri explained the connections between forest
health and water resources.
11:24:34 AM  
Ms. Burri discussed
defensible space and how the CSFS works with homeowners on these projects.
She continued to discuss forest treatments, such as how density is addressed
and treatment objectives. Ms. Burri discussed the conflicts and challenges
with forest treatments and the need for flexibility in these projects.
She discussed the importance of monitoring forest treatment projects. Ms.
Burri highlighted the importance of strategizing about how forests look
like in the future, the risk of forest fires in Colorado, and the CSFS
nursery renovation.
11:38:10 AM  
Ms. Burri responded
to questions from the committee about the presentation. In response to
questions, she discussed funding issues, water supply risk, and strategically
planning for forest fires in areas that cannot be managed. Ms. Burri discussed
tools that can be used by communities to prioritize mitigation projects.
11:46:03 AM  
The committee recessed.

Lunch - Committee Discussion Only

Utilities Panel - Committee Discussion Only

01:03:02 PM  
The committee came back to order.
01:03:13 PM  
Campbell Hawkins, representing Black Hills Energy, presented to the committee the intersection with utility companies and wildfires. He discussed equipment maintenance and wildfire mitigation strategies. He mentioned the recently release wildfire mitigation plan released by Black Hills Energy.
01:11:21 PM  
Cody O'Neil, representing Holy Cross Energy, presented to the committee (Attachment G). He stated that Holy Cross Energy is a rural electric cooperative and provided data about Holy Cross Energy. Mr. O'Neil discussed the mitigation efforts by Holy Cross Energy, including weather awareness, relay settings, construction design, inspection and maintenance programs, and right-of-way management. He stated that a public safety power shut-off is a last resort mitigation tactic.
01:20:24 PM  
Andrew Holder, representing
Xcel Energy, presented to the committee (Attachment H). He discussed the
ongoing wildfire mitigation Xcel is doing and how cameras are being used
to identify fires. Mr. Holder reviewed the 2025-27 Colorado Wildfire Mitigation
Plan. He discussed elements of infrastructure improvements, vegetation
management, and the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Program. Mr. Holder
reviewed Xcel's community engagement efforts and highlighted information
about enhanced powerline safety settings. He discussed the PSPS decision
making process and communications about a PSPS. Mr. Holder explained the
process for the 2025-27 Colorado Wildfire Mitigation Plan, which involves
public hearings.  
01:32:52 PM  
The panelists responded to questions from the committee about their presentations, including questions about PSPS events, topping tree practices, and the use of cameras to identify wildfires.

Presentation from Boulder and Jefferson County Emergency Management - Committee Discussion Only

01:47:11 PM  
Mike Chard, representing
the Office of Disaster Management for the City of Boulder and Boulder County,
and Nate Whittington, representing Jefferson County, presented to the committee.
Mr. Chard provided a copy of his presentation and additional handouts to
the committee  (Attachments I and J). He discussed the the office's
evacuation plan development. Mr. Chard reviewed the factors that impact
and evacuation, including fuels, drought, and high winds. He discussed
the challenges and risks of an evacuation, including that often Colorado
experiences no-notice events.
02:01:53 PM  
Mr. Chard highlighted
the importance of the water supply remaining intact during a wildfire and
conflagration operational response plans. He discussed required safe evacuation
time (RSET) is used to determine when an evacuation is announced and how
notices are sent for evacuations.
02:08:59 PM  
Mr. Whittington provided
a copy of his presentation and other handouts to the committee (Attachments
K through M). He discussed the Jefferson County efforts to address wildfire
mitigation and evacuations. Mr. Whittington reviewed data about wildfire
ignitions in Jefferson County, the impact of wildfires on the watershed,
and fuel treatment efforts by Jefferson County. He discussed the county's
Community Wildfire Protection Plan, which is still in development. Mr.
Whittington continued discussing the county's evacuation work, the simulation
table they have to model fires, and how communications about evacuations
are being addressed.
02:21:46 PM  
Mr. Whittington and Mr. Chard responded to questions from the committee about the presentation. Mr. Chard discussed the disparities in preparedness and technology throughout the state. He discussed the development of evacuation standards and assessments. In response to a questions, Mr. Whittington discussed community engagement efforts by Jefferson County about wildfire education.

Presentation from Colorado Counties, Inc. - Committee Discussion Only

02:32:40 PM  
The committee recessed.
02:46:03 PM  
The committee came
back to order.
02:47:30 PM  
Commissioner Marsha Porter-Norton, representing La Plata County, presented to the committee about wildfires. She discussed community wildfire protection plans, evacuation plans, and insurance issues. Commissioner Porter-Norton discussed using wood debris into housing materials. She explained the Wildfire and Watershed Fund and the community outreach for home assessments. Commissioner Porter-Norton discussed the need for mapping assistance and she discussed how stakeholders and community partners are working together to do wildfire mitigation and address other wildfire matters. She highlighted the concerns about homeowners and property insurance.
03:00:59 PM  
Commissioner Jody
Shadduck-McNally, representing Larimer County, presented to the committee
about Larimer County collaboration to address wildfires. She reviewed information
about some of the fires and resulting flooding events that have occurred
in Larimer County. Commissioner Shadduck-McNally discussed the financial
investments the county is making to address wildfires. She highlighted
an internship program that is in place in Larimer County to expose college
students to firefighting and emergency preparedness careers. Commissioner
Shadduck-McNally discussed a biomass study being conducted and reforestation
efforts by the county.    
03:13:43 PM  
Commissioner Porter-Norton continued her presentation by discussing burn scars in La Plata County and how the county has partnered with the state to provide weather radar in the county. She discussed the need to provide grants to private companies that assist in wildfire matters, such as composting company that composts wood chip and getting resources out to smaller communities.
03:19:21 PM  
Commissioner Amy Mitchell, representing Park County, presented to the committee. She provided information about Park County population and county size. Commissioner Mitchell discussed how fire districts work land owners to address wildfire mitigation and the Landtender Program, which is a software program to help determine fire mitigation funding efforts and projects. She discussed the lack of market for biomass materials and funding assistance for homeowners for fire mitigation. Commissioner Mitchell discussed the challenges of obtaining homeowners insurance in Park County and addressing out-of-town recreators who are not fire knowledgeable.

03:43:52 PM   The committee adjourned.