i_wmrc_2016a_2016-09-19t09:00:40z3 Hearing Summary
Date: 09/19/2016
Local Government Matters Related to Wildfires
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11:40 AM -- Local Government Matters Related to Wildfires
Meghan Dollar, representing the Colorado Municipal League, Brandy Delange, representing Colorado Counties Incorporated, and Ty Gates, Emergency Manager for Rio Blanco County, representing the Associated Governments of Northwest Colorado spoke to the committee on local government matters related to wildfires. Ms. Dollar presented a handout (Attachment G) listing municipalities that have addressed wildfire mitigation in their communities and addressed specific local mitigation efforts in Nederland, Snowmass Village, and Blue River. Ms. Delange presented a packet of handouts (Attachment H) on efforts by Colorado counties to implement mitigation efforts. Mr. Gates presented a handout (Attachment I) and gave a brief presentation on wildfire issues in Rio Blanco County.
160919 AttachG.pdf160919 AttachH.pdf160919 AttachI.pdf
11:56 AM
Senator Jones asked the panel to provide more detail in their handouts in the future.
12:00 PM
The committee recessed.
1:05 PM
The committee reconvened.