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I_SFinance_2021A 01/10/2022 09:34:49 AM Committee Summary

Date 01/10/2022
Baisley E
Coleman X
Herod X
Lundeen X
Lynch X
Zenzinger X
Kirkmeyer E
McCluskie X
Time 09:34:49 AM to 02:13:14 PM
Place SCR 357
This Meeting was called to order by McCluskie
This Report was prepared by Katie Ruedebusch
Hearing Items Action Taken
Poverty Study Presentation & Discussion Committee Discussion Only
Discussion of Bill Drafts (non-voting) Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony Committee Discussion Only
Overview & Request for Feedback on School Finance Simulation Tool Committee Discussion Only
School Finance Update Committee Discussion Only
Next Steps Committee Discussion Only

09:34:51 AM
Rep. McCluskie called
the meeting to order and gave some opening remarks.

Poverty Study Presentation & Discussion - Committee Discussion Only

09:36:45 AM  
Ms. Kristin Blagg,
representing the Urban Institute, came to the table to present and discuss
the study the committee commissioned on poverty. A copy of the study may
be found here:
09:47:05 AM  

Ms. Blagg finished her presentation and answered several questions from the committee.

10:10:50 AM  

Committee discussion continued with Ms. Blagg concerning the poverty study.

10:39:40 AM  

The committee discussed next steps related to several draft committee bills.

Discussion of Bill Drafts (non-voting) - Committee Discussion Only

10:48:54 AM  

The committee recessed.

11:09:06 AM  

The committee came back to order.

11:09:17 AM  

The committee discussed several bill drafts that they had approved for drafting at the committee's meeting on November 5, 2021. Chair McCluskie started by highlighting the process for the discussion.

11:11:30 AM  
Alana Rosen, Legislative
Legal Services, came to the table to discuss a draft bill to increase the
state share of special education funding.  Committee discussion ensued.
 The bill draft may be found here:
11:40:37 AM  
Julie Pelegrin, Legislative
Legal Services, came to the table to discuss a bill draft concerning mill
levies. Committee discussion ensued.  The bill draft may be found

Public Testimony - Committee Discussion Only

12:37:56 PM  

The committee returned from lunch.

12:39:10 PM  

Ms. Amy Schwartz, representing herself, discussed her recent dissertation and its relevance to the committee's work. She also provided a letter to the committee (Attachment A).

12:40:11 PM  
Mr. Benjamin Teevan,
representing Stand for Children & Opportunity Coalition, testified.
12:52:17 PM  
Mr. Bret Miles, representing
CASE, testified to the committee.  Ms. Leslie Colwell, representing
Colorado Children's Campaign, testified to the committee.
12:52:57 PM  

Ms. Angelina Sierra-Sandoval, representing Colorado League of Charter Schools, testified. Ms. Danielle Bock, representing Colorado School Nutrition Assoc, testified. Ms. Ashley Wheeland, representing Hunger Free Colorado, testified.

Overview & Request for Feedback on School Finance Simulation Tool - Committee Discussion Only

01:11:10 PM  
Anna Gerstle and
Thomas Rosa, Legislative Council Staff, presented to the committee on the
school finance simulation tool. Their presentation may be found here:

School Finance Update - Committee Discussion Only

01:28:45 PM  

Craig Harper, Joint Budget Committee, presented an update on school finance funding. His presentation may be found here:

Next Steps - Committee Discussion Only

02:09:16 PM  
Anna Gerstle, Legislative Council Staff, came to the table to discuss the committee's next meeting.

02:13:14 PM   The committee adjourned.