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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

i_opioidsubstance_2017a_2017-10-23t09:32:09z4 Hearing Summary

Date: 10/23/2017

Location: RM 271


BILL SUMMARY for Bill Discussion - Bill 3


Votes: View--> Action Taken:
<none> <none>

03:46 PM -- Bill Discussion - Bill 3

Christy Chase, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, explained Bill 3 to the committee (Attachment U). The bill:


- excludes supervised injection facilities from the laws regarding public nuisance;

- allows local public health agencies to establish clean syringe exchange programs without prior approval from their governing health boards and grants civil immunity to a person who provides a clean syringe in accordance with a clean syringe exchange program;

- specifies that hospitals may be used as clean syringe exchange sites;

- allows school districts and nonpublic schools to develop a policy by which schools are allowed to obtain a supply of opiate antagonists and school employees are trained to administer opiate antagonists to individuals at risk of experiencing a drug overdose; and

- increases the criminal penalties related to synthetic opioids.

04:13 PM --
Adeline Hodge, representing the Colorado Association of School Nurses, the Colorado Providers Association, and the Colorado Association of Local Public Health Officials, testified in a neutral capacity.

04:17 PM --
Maureen Cain, representing the Colorado State Public Defender's Office, testified in a neutral capacity.

04:30 PM --
Christie Donner, representing Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition, testified in a neutral capacity.

04:35 PM

Dr. Valuck testified in support of Bill 5 and Bill 6. He expressed that there is a significant need for in patient treatment.

04:38 PM --
Lisa Raville, representing the Harm Reduction Action Center, testified in support of supervised injection facilities and presented a handout (Attachment V). Ms. Raville answered questions from committee members about concerns regarding supervised injection sites.


04:56 PM -- Heidi Schlossberg, representing herself, testified in a neutral capacity.

04:57 PM --
Angela Bonaguidi, representing the Colorado Organization for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence, testified in a neutral capacity and distributed a handout (Attachment W).


04:59 PM -- Jamie Feld, representing Boulder County Public Health, testified in a neutral capacity. Ms. Feld responded to committee questions regarding naloxone in public schools.

05:10 PM --
Meghan Dollar, representing the Colorado Municipal League, testified in a neutral capacity and expressed concern regarding local control of proposed injection sites.

05:12 PM --
Frank Cornelia, representing the Colorado Behavioral Health Council, testified in a neutral capacity. Mr. Cornelia responded to questions from committee members regarding incentives for pursuing treatment and increasing inpatient programs in Colorado.

05:18 PM --
Michael Miller, representing Young People in Recovery, testified in a neutral capacity and expressed support for safe injections sites and other harm reduction measures.