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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

I_LICOAQ_2023A 09/22/2023 09:16:15 AM Committee Summary

Date 09/22/2023
Evans X
Froelich X
Hansen X
Lundeen *
Pelton B. X
Priola X
Taggart X
Velasco E
Willford X
Winter F. E
Cutter E
Bacon X
Time 09:16:15 AM to 04:55:28 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Bacon
This Report was prepared by Matt Bishop
Hearing Items Action Taken
Opening Remarks Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Cultivando Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from American Lung Association and National Jewish Health Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from Earthworks Committee Discussion Only
Presentation from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Committee Discussion Only
Public Testimony on Ozone Air Quality and Community Impacts Committee Discussion Only

Opening Remarks - Committee Discussion Only

09:16:26 AM  
The chair made opening remarks about upcoming committee dates and committee charge.

Presentation from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Committee Discussion Only

09:21:29 AM  
Adrienne Sandoval
and Scott Jackson, representing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), delivered a presentation on State Implementation Plans. The EPA's
presentation is included as Attachment A and a decision letter on the request
for testimony is included as Attachment B.
09:40:34 AM  
Ms. Sandoval and Mr. Jackson responded to questions from the committee.

Presentation from Cultivando - Committee Discussion Only

10:19:39 AM  
Guadalupe Solis,
representing Cultivando, presented on community data. Cultivando's presentation
is included as Attachment C.
10:29:57 AM  
Laura Martinez, representing Cultivando, presented on air quality monitoring.
10:39:27 AM  
Ms. Solis continued to present on air monitoring findings and effects on human health.
10:51:16 AM  
Guadalupe Villalobos, representing Cultivando, provided testimony.
10:56:26 AM  
Maria Zubiate, representing Cultivando, provided testimony.
11:03:09 AM  
Reyna Soria, representing Cultivando, provided testimony.
11:09:08 AM  
Another Cultivando
representative provided testimony.
11:16:00 AM  
Ms. Solis made closing remarks.
11:18:21 AM  
Ms. Solis and Ms. Martinez responded to questions from the committee.

Presentation from American Lung Association and National Jewish Health - Committee Discussion Only

11:38:27 AM  
Dr. James Crooks,
representing himself, presented on the health effects of ground level ozone.
Dr. Crooks' presentation is included as Attachment D.
12:05:39 PM  
Nick Torres, representing
the American Lunch Association, presented on the organization's State of
the Air Report. The American Lung Association's presentation in included
as Attachment D.
12:15:44 PM  
The chair announced that any committee questions will be heard after the lunch break.
12:16:25 PM  
The committee recessed.
01:18:15 PM  
The committee reconvened.
01:19:12 PM  
Dr. Crooks and Mr. Torres responded to questions from the committee.

Presentation from Earthworks - Committee Discussion Only

01:48:00 PM  
Andrew Klooster,
representing Earthworks, presented on emissions from pre-production activities.
Earthworks' presentation is included as Attachment F.

02:17:53 PM  
Mr. Klooster responded to questions from the committee.

Presentation from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR) - Committee Discussion Only

02:37:16 PM  
Sergio Guerra, representing
the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), presented
on permitting. CDPHE's presentation is included as Attachment G.
02:50:23 PM  
Mr. Guerra responded to questions from the committee
03:04:09 PM  
Garrison Kaufman, representing CDPHE, also presented on air quality modeling.
03:11:10 PM  
Mr. Kaufman responded to questions from the committee.
03:28:40 PM  
Mr. Guerra and Mr. Kaufman responded to additional questions from the committee.
03:54:20 PM  
Julie Murphy, representing
the Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC), presented on permitting.
ECMC's presentation is included as Attachment H.
04:12:53 PM  
Ms. Murphy responded to questions from the committee.

Public Testimony on Ozone Air Quality and Community Impacts - Committee Discussion Only

04:16:50 PM  
The committee recessed.
04:18:01 PM  
The committee reconvened.
04:19:11 PM  
Erin Meschke, representing herself, testified.
04:22:50 PM  
Thomas Davidson, representing Counties and Commissioners Acting Together, testified.
04:24:38 PM  
Juanita Moreno, representing herself, testified.
04:26:28 PM  
Jan Rose, representing herself, testified.
04:30:48 PM  
Sara Kuntzler, representing Mountain Mamas, testified.
04:33:35 PM  
Roberta Noehl, representing herself, testified.
04:35:27 PM  
Rose Naukam, representing herself, testified.
04:38:55 PM  
Mark Kaat, representing himself, testified.
04:41:40 PM  
Dr. Annareli Morales, representing herself, testified.
04:42:57 PM  
Doug Henderson, representing Larimer Alliance for Health, Safety, and Environment, testified.
04:46:27 PM  
Patricia Garcia-Nelson, representing GreenLatinos, testified.
04:50:38 PM  
Laurie Anderson, representing Moms Clean Air Force Colorado, testified.
04:53:07 PM  
Written testimony
was read into the record. Additional written testimony is included as Attachment

04:55:28 PM   The committee adjourned.