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I_ECR_AH_2021A 10/27/2021 09:10:12 AM Committee Summary

Date 10/27/2021
Bridges E
Rick Garcia X
Alison George X
Hisey X
Pico X
Roberts E
Kristin Toombs X
Will Toor X
Chantal Unfug X
Cris White X
Woodrow X
Woodward X
Woog X
Zenzinger X
Gonzales X
Jackson X
Time 09:10:12 AM to 06:15:20 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Jackson
This Report was prepared by Ryan Dudley
Hearing Items Action Taken
Call to Order and Introductions Committee Discussion Only
Results of Affordable Housing Public Survey Committee Discussion Only
Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force Progress Report Committee Discussion Only
Affordable Housing Sub Panel Draft Recommendations Committee Discussion Only
Next Steps and Closing Committee Discussion Only

Call to Order and Introductions - Committee Discussion Only

09:10:17 AM
Chair Representative
Jackson made opening remarks.

09:13:03 AM
The task force considered
the second agenda item, calling on Wellstone Collaborative Strategies to
discuss the results of the affordable housing survey.

Results of Affordable Housing Public Survey - Committee Discussion Only

09:14:37 AM  
Eric Arndt, representing
Wellstone Collaborative Strategies, discussed the results of the affordable
housing public survey.  He provided a copy of the results (Attachment
A).  Mr. Arndt responded to questions from task force members.

Behavioral Health Transformational Task Force Progress Report - Committee Discussion Only

10:11:35 AM  
Dr. Vincent Atchity,
subpanel chair representing the Behavioral Health Transformational Task
Force, provided a progress report from the task force.  Dr. Atchity
responded to questions from task force members.

10:27:32 AM
The committee took
a brief recess.

Affordable Housing Sub Panel Draft Recommendations - Committee Discussion Only

10:48:37 AM  
Brian Rossbert, subpanel
chair, and Cathy Alderman, subpanel vice-chair, provided the subpanel recommendations.
They provided a handout (Attachment B).
11:29:08 AM  
Aaron Miripol, representing
the Urban Land Conservancy, presented on recommendations Aa and Ab, the
revolving loan fund for new capacity.  Mr. Miripol responded to questions
from committee task force members.

12:11:34 PM  
Mr. Rossbert, Ms.
Alderman, along with Kathrine Archuleta, representing Wellstone Collaborative
Strategies, presented recommendation B, gap financing including an expansion
of tax credit programs.  The witnesses responded to questions from
task force members.
12:39:35 PM  
The committee took a lunch recess.
01:43:32 PM  
Commissioner Tamara
Pogue, represeinting Summit County and the subpanel, presented recommendation
C, nonprofit and local government grants.  Members of the task force
asked questions to Commissioner Pogue and discussed the justifications
and concerns about the recommendation.

02:20:28 PM  
Mr. Rossbert presented
rrecommendation D, maintain existing affordable housing.  Members
of the task force asked questions and discussed this recommendation with
Mr. Rossbert.
02:39:51 PM  
Eric Leveridge, representing
Colorado Jobs with Justice and the subpanel, presented recommendation E,
resident-owned communities, mobile homes parks, and land-banking.  Mr.
Leveridge responded to questions from task force members and discussed
the recommendation.
03:24:24 PM  
Ms. Alderman dscussed
recommendation F, property conversion for transitional and long-term housing.
 Members of the task force asked questions and discussed the recommendation
with Ms. Alderman and Mr. Rossbert.
03:36:02 PM  
Ms. Alderman discussed
recommendation G, permanent supportive housing services fund for individuals
experiencing homelessness and those living with disabilities, including
behavioral health disorders.  Members of the task force asked questions
and discussed the recommendation with Ms. Alderman.
03:51:29 PM  
Kinsey Hasstedt,
representing Enterprise Community Partners and the subpanel, discussed
recommendation H, sustainable rental assistance.  Members of the task
force asked questions and discussed the recommendation with Ms. Hasstedt.
04:33:49 PM  
Executive Director
Tawny Peyton, representing the Rocky Mountain Home Association and the
subpanel  discussed recommendation K, housing innovation fund to provide
flexible funding sources for new innovations in housing including for modular
housing.  Ms. Peyton and Mr. Rossbert answered questions from the
task force and further elaborated on the recommendation.
05:13:40 PM  
Mr. Rossbert presented
recommendations Ia and Ib, homeowner assistance and obtainment funds for
mortgage assistance and  down payment assistance, for people with
reduced income due to COVID-19 to remain housed.  The task force asked
questions and further discussed the recommendations with Mr. Rossbert and
Ms. Alderman.    
05:34:10 PM  
Ms. Alderman discussed
recommendation J, social impact fund to address homelessness for people
experiencing homelessness or at severe risk of homelessness.  Ms.
Alderman addressed questions from the committee and further elaborated
on the recommendation.
05:48:01 PM  
Jacob Bornstein,
representing Wellstone Collaborative Strategies, presented other potential
funding recommendations not prioritized by the supanel, recommendations
from the public input survey, and additional recommendations from written
feedback submitted outside the survey.  The task force asked questions
and discussed final guidance for the subpanel with Mr. Bornstein.  

Next Steps and Closing - Committee Discussion Only

06:06:28 PM  
Representative Jackson
offered closing remarks and provided information on next steps.  
06:08:41 PM  
The committee adjourned.

06:15:20 PM   The committee adjourned.