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I_ECR_AH_2021A 08/19/2021 08:36:57 AM Committee Summary

Date 08/19/2021
Bridges X
Rick Garcia *
Alison George X
Hisey X
Pico *
Roberts X
Kristin Toombs X
Will Toor X
Chantal Unfug X
Cris White X
Woodrow X
Woodward X
Woog *
Zenzinger X
Gonzales X
Jackson X
Time 08:36:57 AM to 12:28:54 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Jackson
This Report was prepared by April Bernard
Hearing Items Action Taken
Introductions Committee Discussion Only
Task Force Overview Committee Discussion Only
Federal American Rescue Plan Act Committee Discussion Only
Affordable Housing Transformation in Colorado Committee Discussion Only
Colorado's Affordable Housing Programs Committee Discussion Only
Direction for Transformational Work Group Committee Discussion Only
Next Steps/Closing Committee Discussion Only

Introductions - Committee Discussion Only

08:37:08 AM  

Representative Jackson called the committee to order and introductions were made. Representative Jackson provided an overview of the Affordable Housing Transformational Task Force, including the membership, funding amount, and general information.

08:39:56 AM  

The task force members made introductory remarks, including areas of interest in affordable housing.

08:58:25 AM  

Task force members continued to make remarks.

Task Force Overview - Committee Discussion Only

09:00:32 AM  

Jeanette Chapman, representing Legislative Council Staff, provided an overview of the task force charge.  She provided information about the task force webpage, including how the public may submit testimony and comments to the task force and subpanel.

09:02:33 AM  

Jacob Bornstein and Katherine Archuleta, representing Wellstone Collaborative Strategies, who are the faciliators for the task force introduced themselves and talked about the process, ground rules, and work for the day.

09:06:31 AM  

Mr. Bornstein introduced Megan Picard, who is the Wellstone Collaborative Strategies expert on housing.

09:13:57 AM  
There was a discussion
about the subpanel processes and how information is exchanged with the
task force.  The facilitators provided a PowerPoint presentation (Attachment
09:18:22 AM  
The facitlitators
and task force members discussed task force ground rules.

Federal American Rescue Plan Act - Committee Discussion Only

09:28:59 AM  

Bob Lackner, representing the Office of Legislative Legal Services, provided information about the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, including guidelines on spending funds received through the act.

09:33:57 AM  

Mr. Lackner was asked to create a document for the task force about the funding and program.

09:34:29 AM  

There was a discussion about the reference to disproportianately impacted populations.  Mr. Lackner agreed to research the term and provide the task force with additional information on this topic.

Affordable Housing Transformation in Colorado - Committee Discussion Only

09:35:31 AM  
The task force discussed
what affordable housing should look like in Colorado, using the facilitator
Powerpoint presentation (Attachment A).

09:39:55 AM  
The meaning of the
term affordable housing was discussed.
09:43:53 AM  
Task force members
worked on statements individually, defining transformation, recorded their
statements, and then categorized the statements.

09:45:36 AM  

The task force recessed.

09:47:55 AM  
The task force came
back to order.
09:57:35 AM  
The facilitator talked
about creating ideas to put under the ideal state of affordable housing
10:09:24 AM  

The facilitators summarized the themes for the current state of affordable housing in Colorado.  The facilitators will create a document outlining the committee member ideas.  Some of the themes include local government policies, such as zoning and funding, leveraging funding, urban renewal support, and federal funds.  Factory built housing was also discussed.

10:11:36 AM  

Additional themes discussed included pilot programs, such as vouchers, transitional housing, owner repair of housing, partnerships with local officials, and transit oriented housing.

10:12:49 AM  

Ms. Picard discussed the challenges in addressing housing.  The task force discused housing cost and supply, wages not keeping pace with housing costs, and construction costs.  Discussion about types of housing, including middle income and worker housing, such as housing for teachers, occurred.  The task force discussed costs related to housing, such as utilities, and matters related to zoning and parking.  There was a discussion about the ripple effects of people experiencing homelessness.  

10:17:21 AM  

There was a discussion about market pressures, construction costs, infrastructure, and litigation.  Discussion continued about the challenges of rehabilitating housing units and short-term rental units reducing housing stock.  The task force discussed local policies that may need adjustment, educating buyers, and community views about housing matters.

10:21:57 AM  

The ideal state of housing was discussed, including sustainable housing, zero emissions, and affordability.  Additionally, integration with other systems and removing obstacles to housing, as well as building wealth, were discussed.  

10:27:58 AM  
There was a discussion about disproportionately affected populations.
10:29:46 AM  

The task force recessed.

10:30:23 AM  
The task force came
back to order.

Colorado's Affordable Housing Programs - Committee Discussion Only

10:39:00 AM  
Rick Garcia, Executive
Director, representing the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), provided
a brief introduction to DOLA and provided a PowerPoint Presentation and
department materials (Attachment B).  DOLA will provide a list of
documents related to housing to the committee.  Alison George, Director
representing the Division of Housing in DOLA, provided an overview of the
10:41:09 AM  

Ms. George talked about the work of the division, including the division's five offices, which are:  Homeless Initiatives, Rental Assistance, Housing Recovery, Housing Finance and Housing Stability, and Regulatory Oversight.

10:44:05 AM  

The representatives from DOLA provided infomation on housing costs.  

10:46:07 AM  

There was discussion about 2021 legislation addressing housing, the Strategic Housing Working Group report about housing in Colorado, and DOLA's plan on ending homelessness.  Discussion about homelessness ensued.  DOLA discussed leveraging funds to increase access to home down payment funds, investments in workforce housing, regulatory burdens, and infrastructure investment.

10:52:19 AM  
The representatives
from DOLA discussed the annual survey of individuals without homes,usually
completed in January.  There was a discussion about universal choice
housing vouchers or Section 8 housing.  DOLA representatives talked
about flexible vouchers.  The discussion addressed how as incomes
increase subsidies go down, and how long-term vouchers may allow recipients
to continue their path to stability.  There was discussion about how
an increase in voucher dollars may be necessary, but the federal government
may not be able to provide that funding.

10:56:33 AM  
Ms. George talked
about housing data, including production, cost of a first home, and availability
of resources. Ms. George will work on identifying metrics with her staff
and provide information to the task force.  Pressure on rentals was

There was a discussion about homelessness and COVID-19.  Kristin Toombs,
representing the Office of Homeless Initiatives in DOLA, discussed that
the number of unhoused individuals have increased, especially those living
in shelters.  She indicated that one-third of those in shelters in
Denver come from other Colorado communities. Ms. Toombs suggested that
affordable housing with supports may work better for unhoused individuals.
 There was a discussion about the number of unhoused individuals increasing
due to the popularity of Colorado and the shortage of housing stock.

11:03:04 AM  

There was discussion about the effects of compression on middle and lower income households, as well as seniors.  Discussion continued about how seniors stay in their homes because they cannot afford to move, which may affect the amount of housing availabe for others.  

11:06:06 AM  

The task force discussed the senior homestead exemption, a report that identifies causes of homelesness, how rent costs may affect homelessness, and increasing affordability in workforce housing.  The task force continued to discuss housing with supports for homeless individuals.

11:09:37 AM  

There was a discussion about the driving forces behind a drop in production, including a decrease in contractor businesses, development of different housing, and housing location.  Discussion ensued about the regional differences in housing, efficiencies in construction and manufactured housing, and workforce development programs.

11:13:34 AM  
DOLA will gather
information for the task force about the types of housing needed.

funding received through the Federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 that
the task force will make spending recommendations about, $399.8 million,
was discussed.  Discussion continued about providing affordable housing
without driving down the median price of homes, as well as local governments
continuing to access increased property taxes.  

11:19:48 AM  

Jamie Gomez, Deputy Executive for Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA), discussed CHFA's focus on homeownership, rental housing, business lending, and community partnerships.  A copy of CHFA's presentation was provided to the task force (Attachment C).  Mr. Gomez discussed the vision of CHFA, which includes housing stability and economic prosperity for all Coloradans.  He discussed the housing continuum and middle income households and those households that are just outside qualifying for assistance.  Mr. Gomez identified investment in critical areas, including housing for households with an area median income (AMI) of 80 percent and below and an AMI of 80 to120 percent.

11:25:48 AM  

Mr. Gomez said that CHFA staff could gather data related to housing for the task force, including the number of units that exist in each category of the housing continuum, the regional distributuion of units, the needed housing investment in each category, and data about tax credits.

11:28:37 AM  

Mr. Gomez discussed how CHFA assists households with homeownership by providing down payment assistance and stated that $108 million in down payment assistance was provided for 10,483 households in 2020.  Mr. Gomez talked about how low inventory is contributing to the higher cost of housing and how CHFA is working to create a single family financing mechanism for developers in rural areas.  There was a discussion about a homeownership gap.  Information shared with the task force outline that 70 percent of white households own a home, whereas 40 percent of black households own a home.

11:30:28 AM  

Mr. Gomez discussed that CHFA is the direct lender to developers for rental housing, as well as constructing and rehabilitating affordable housing units and highlighted that there are not enough resources or tax credits.  Mr. Gomez talked about a focus on the development of middle income units, and that CHFA's middle income access program leveraged $182 million, using $14.9 million in funding, to create five middle income developments, or 622 units, in mountain areas.  Mr. Gomez talked about the need for smaller developments in rural communites, including capital for building.

11:32:36 AM  
There was a discussion
about obstacles to housing affordability and stability, including access
to water and infrastructure.
11:33:03 AM  
There was a discussion
about CHFA's financing guidelines which are tied to the the federal Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) standards.

11:35:47 AM  

There was a discussion about construction defects.  Mr. Gomez indicated that CHFA is not seeing townhome and condominium builds.  However, it is unclear if this is related to construction defects.  CHFA will provide data to the task force about equity and lending for Native Americans and sovereign nations.

Direction for Transformational Work Group - Committee Discussion Only

11:37:36 AM  
The task force broke
into small groups to talk about guidance and principals for the task force,
displayed in the facilitator's presentation (Attachment A).

11:42:00 AM  

The task force recesssed.

11:42:44 AM  
The task force came
back to order.
11:59:10 AM  

The task force members talked about task force guidelines and principles for the subpanel.

12:16:40 PM  

The facilitators will create a report for the task force detailing the facilitated discussions.

12:17:29 PM  
Cathy Alderman, vice
chair of the subpanel, introduced herself.
12:17:58 PM  

The first meeting of the subpanel is on September 1, 2021, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The subpanel may be meeting every Wednesday between now and December.

Next Steps/Closing - Committee Discussion Only

12:21:38 PM  
The facilitator talked
about a learning session at the next meeting.  The faciliators will
send a summary of meeting discussions to the task force next week.  Mr.
Bornstein will also send out a feedback form.
12:23:03 PM  

Representative Jackson discussed the next task force meeting, which will most likely occur in September.

12:28:54 PM   The committee adjourned.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 7, 2024, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 8, 2024, unless otherwise specified. Details