i_coessacomm_2017a_2017-01-03t13:03:54z4 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/03/2017
Location: LSB B
Teacher presentation
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03:23 PM -- Teacher presentation
Anne Eden, a teacher in Adams 12 School District, came to the table to begin her presentation. She introduced herself and provided educational and professional background information. She spoke about the opportunities offered to her students under ESSA that were not offered under NCLB, including more time for teaching, opportunities for Colorado to incentivize local supports and innovation, and opportunities to provide more support for instructors in the classroom. She spoke about the benefits to her students of the reduction of testing that was implemented last year, and stated that because of the amount of testing that is required of students, they can become desensitized to the most important tests in their high school career such as the SAT or ACT. She talked about the need to distribute Title I funds to schools that need it the most, and the need for and importance of using Title II funds to promote teacher leadership. Ms. Eden answered questions from the committee.
03:45 PM
The committee adjourned.