i_911tf_2016a_2016-10-25t09:06:58z6 Hearing Summary
Date: 10/25/2016
Discussion of Task Force Report
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02:51 PM -- Discussion of Task Force Report
Senator Scheffel began the discussion of the task force report. He stated that staff would prepare a summary section of the task force report, and disseminate it to the task force members for approval. Senator Scheffel opened the floor to discussion about the report.
Senator Aguilar suggested establishing a committee for establishing oversight. She also explained specific issues the new committee could examine.
Senator Heath spoke with approval of testimony heard from the First Responder Panel at the task force's October 11th meeting. Senator Heath stated three issues: reporting issues, outage concerns, and implementation of NextGen 911. Senator Heath stated his preference for a study group, and stated concern that Colorado may be behind other states. He also stated that any study group will need to look at funding issues surrounding the issues discussed above, especially the implementation of NextGen 911. He stated that the task force recommend that there should be an immediate effort to find a solution to outage issues.
Speaker Hullinghorst discussed PUC regulatory authority and suggested that the General Assembly find immediate solutions to short term problems, such as outages and phase II wireless, and that there be a statewide study group with a director to study long term issues. She also suggested recommendations relating to better and more transparent reporting, and examination of funding issues, and accountability. Speaker Hullinghorst stated support for a state board, defined in legislation, with experts, and staffing help. Any legislation needs to define what would be placed under the purview of the board, and what authority would remain with the PUC.
03:05 PM
Senator Scheffel discussed PUC regulatory authority, and reviewed legislation relating to 911 regulation. He stated that the task force and General Assembly should consider the entities that oversee and regulate 911 service.
Senator Heath commented on the work of the task force.
03:11 PM
The committee adjourned.