h_phc_2017a_2017-02-02t13:36:54z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 02/02/2017
Location: RM 271
Presentation by HCPF about DD Waiver
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02:48 PM -- Presentation by the Department of Health Care Policy & Financing about the DD Waiver
Jed Ziegenhagen, Director of the Office of Community Living, HCPF, and Jennifer Martinez, Director of the Division of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, HCPF, came to the table and provided a handout to the committee (Attachment D). Dr. Ziegenhagen explained that the role of the Office of Community Living includes aligning services and supports for individuals and families, administering 11 Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services waivers, and administering state funded programs for Supported Living Services and the Family Supports Services Program. He explained that the biggest barrier to eliminating the waiting list of the Adult Comprehensive waiver (DD waiver) is the cost.
170202 AttachD.pdf
02:52 PM
Jennifer Martinez discussed the three HCBS waivers for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD): the Children's Extensive Supports waiver; the Supported Living Services (SLS) waiver; and the DD waiver. She indicated that the DD waiver is the only waiver with a waiting list. She clarified that about 88 percent of the individuals on the DD waiver waiting list are receiving some state services through other programs, such as regular Medicaid or the Aid to the Needy Disabled. Ms. Martinez discussed the Comprehensive Strategic Plan as established by House Bill 14-1051 and the progress made on the DD waiting list.
Referring to the slides in the handout (Attachment D), Ms. Martinez discussed the department's efforts to increase access to providers for individuals receiving services through the DD waiver and the pilot program designed to deliver and coordinate services including crisis intervention, stabilization, and follow-up services not covered in either the behavioral health system or one of the Medicaid waivers.
03:04 PM
Mr. Ziegenhagen responded to questions from the committee about the administrative costs of Community Centered Boards (CCBs) and stated that funding was the most important component of eliminating the waitlist.