h_phc_2016a_2017-01-06t09:15:05z1 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/06/2017
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10:58 AM -- Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care
Representative McCann called the committee back to order.
Bill Lindsay and Cindy Sovine-Miller, Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care, presented to the committee. They provided the committee with a handout (Attachment F). Ms. Sovine-Miller highlighted the areas of analysis listed on page 5 of the handout. Mr. Lindsay reviewed the commission's recommendations on issues related to transparency, pharmacy, payment reform, and social determinants of health. Ms. Sovine-Miller commented on issues related to social determinants of health. Mr. Lindsay discussed the commission's recommendations related to the healthcare workforce. He outlined the topic areas the commission will be reviewing before it terminates on June 30, 2017.
170106 AttachF.pdf
11:23 AM
Mr. Lindsay answered questions about reference pricing, specialty drugs, and the recommended pilot program for state employees related to transparency. The committee dialogued with Mr. Lindsay about the commission, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and administrative costs related to health care. He answered questions about implementing the commission's recommendations.
11:46 AM
Committee discussion with Mr. Lindsay ensued regarding defensive medicine and free standing emergency rooms. Ms. Sovine-Miller and Mr. Lindsay answered questions about issues related to social determinants of health. Mr. Lindsay answered questions about multi-state compacts for purchasing non-specialty drugs and hospital cost transparency. Ms. Sovine-Miller and Mr. Lindsay answered questions about the recommended pilot program for certain patients with asthma and the possible use of telehealth to reduce health care costs.
12:07 PM
Committee discussion with Mr. Lindsay and Ms. Sovine-Miller ensued about the commission, its recommendations, health care costs and quality, mental health, and Medicaid waivers. Committee members commented about the commission sharing information with Colorado's Congressional delegation.
12:26 PM
The committee recessed.