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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

h_phc_2016a_2016-01-19t13:32:01z0 Hearing Summary

Date: 01/19/2016


Presentation from the Colorado Radiological Society


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01:33 PM -- Presentation from the Colorado Radiological Society

Representative Primavera called the committee to order. Dr. Jonathan Flug, President of the Colorado Radiological Society, presented on the state of radiology in Colorado (Attachment A). He explained the history of radiology and described the certification and education requirements for radiologists. He explained the role of the radiologist before, during, and after service for a patient. He discussed the various technologies that radiologists use. He gave an overview of the Colorado Radiological Society and radiology graduate programs in the state.

160119 AttachA.pdf160119 AttachA.pdf

01:48 PM

Dr. Flug gave statistics on cancer cases and deaths. He explained new techniques for screening lung, breast, and prostate cancers. He described challenges associated with screening breast cancer. Dr. Flug described therapeutic and interventional radiology, and other radiation treatments.

02:04 PM

Dr. Flug discussed future advancements in the field of radiology, including clinical decision support, personalized/precision medicine, and changes in Medicaid/Medicare reimbursements.

02:13 PM

Dr. Flug gave concluding remarks. He responded to questions from the committee regarding mammogram recommendations, specialist provider rate cuts, genetic counselors, and dense breast tissue notifications.