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H_JUD_2022A 02/08/2022 01:33:59 PM Committee Summary

Date 02/08/2022
Bacon X
Benavidez X
Bockenfeld X
Carver X
Daugherty X
Luck X
Lynch X
Roberts X
Woodrow X
Tipper X
Weissman X
Time 01:33:59 PM to 03:21:34 PM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Weissman
This Report was prepared by Bo Pogue
Hearing Items Action Taken
Sunset hearing for massage therapy Committee Discussion Only
HB22-1091 Referred to House Appropriations
HB22-1071 Referred to the Committee of the Whole

Sunset hearing for massage therapy - Committee Discussion Only

01:34:14 PM  
The committee was
called to order.  All members were present.  Jennifer Lockwood,
Department of Regulatory Agencies, provided an overview of the sunset report
for the Massage Therapy Practice Act, and discussed the programming governed
by the act.  Ms. Lockwood responded to questions regarding an administrative
recommendation on massage therapy concerning language inclusivity that
was not incorporated into the draft sunset bill.  Michael Nicoletti,
representing DORA, provided additional input on testing massage practitioners
in languages other than English.
01:50:15 PM  
Frank Sturgell, representing himself, testified on the sunset review of the Massage Therapy Practice Act, discussing potential barriers to massage therapy practice.
01:53:57 PM  
Garin Vorthman, representing
the Colorado Coalition of Massage Therapists, made herself available to
respond to questions regarding massage therapy.

01:56:37 PM
Motion Introduce LLS. No. 22-032.01.
Moved Tipper
Seconded Weissman
Bacon Yes
Benavidez Yes
Bockenfeld Yes
Carver Yes
Daugherty Yes
Luck No
Lynch No
Roberts Yes
Woodrow Yes
Tipper Yes
Weissman Yes
YES: 9   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
01:56:39 PM  
Representatives Tipper and Carver were appointed sponsors for the introduced bill.

HB22-1091 - Referred to House Appropriations

01:57:28 PM  
Representatives Soper and Weissman, prime sponsors, presented House Bill 22-1091, concerning the online availability of opinions issued by Colorado courts. Representative Soper explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Representative Weissman provided further input on the merits of the legislation. Representative Soper responded to questions regarding the state agency that will administer the programming impacted by the bill. Discussion ensued regarding how far back in time court opinions will be published under the bill, and the functionality of the website on which the court opinions will be published.
02:17:12 PM  
Thomas Neville, representing the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, testified in support of the bill.

Cameron Hill, representing Colorado Common Cause, testified in support of the bill.

Terry Scanlon, representing the Judicial Branch, testified in support of the bill.

02:23:07 PM  
No amendments were offered to HB 22-1091. Representatives Soper and Weissman provided closing remarks in support of the bill.

02:31:28 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 22-1091 to the Committee on Appropriations.
Moved Weissman
Seconded Woodrow
Bacon Yes
Benavidez Yes
Bockenfeld Yes
Carver Yes
Daugherty Yes
Luck Yes
Lynch Yes
Roberts Excused
Woodrow Yes
Tipper Excused
Weissman Yes
Final YES: 9   NO: 0   EXC: 2   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

HB22-1071 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

02:31:44 PM  
Representative Woodrow, prime sponsor, presented House Bill 22-1091, concerning available relief for plaintiffs who prevail in a class action under the "Colorado Consumer Protection Act." Representative Woodrow explained the effect of the bill and discussed its need. Representative Woodrow responded to questions regarding how class action lawsuits operate, and attorney fee determination for class actions. Representative Woodrow responded to further questions regarding problems with class action lawsuits in Colorado in past years.
02:49:42 PM  
Tony Gagliardi, representing the Colorado Federation of Independent Business, testified in opposition to HB 22-1071.

Andrew Unthank, representing the Colorado Civil Justice League and the Colorado Defense Bar Association, testified in opposition to the bill.

Matthew Groves, representing the Denver Chamber, testified in opposition to the bill.

David Seligman, representing Towards Justice, testified in support of HB 22-1071. Mr. Seligman responded to questions regarding the deterrent effect of class action lawsuits, and damages allowed under the bill.

Zach Neumann, representing the Colorado Eviction Defense Project, testified in support of the bill.

03:14:36 PM  
No amendments were offered to HB 22-1071. Representative Woodrow provided closing remarks in support of the bill.

03:20:33 PM
Motion Refer House Bill 22-1071 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Woodrow
Seconded Daugherty
Bacon Yes
Benavidez Yes
Bockenfeld No
Carver No
Daugherty Yes
Luck No
Lynch No
Roberts Yes
Woodrow Yes
Tipper Yes
Weissman Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 4   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

03:21:34 PM   The committee adjourned.