Representative Roberts responded to questions regarding the charging crime for the incident referenced by Representative Soper. The following persons testified regarding HB 19-1030:
Mr. David Ulrich, representing Moffat County Schools, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Ulrich provided background on the criminal case referenced by Representative Soper, and explained the need for the bill based on this case.
Mr. Chip McIntyre, representing the Moffat School District, testified in support of the bill. Mr. McIntyre further discussed the referenced criminal case, and explained why the bill would close a loophole in current law.
Mr. Gregory Staritsky, representing himself, testified in opposition to the bill. Mr. Staritsky discussed the classes of persons that are considered "in a position of trust," and issues associated with creating new felonies. He suggested that the bill could be overly broad in scope, and discussed some potential unintended consequences.
Ms. Laurie Rose Kepros, representing the Office of the State Public Defender and the Colorado Criminal Defense Bar, testified in opposition to HB 19-1030. Ms. Kepros discussed the classes of persons considered to be in positions of trust, and the extension of this role beyond the time of supervision. She discussed the age range associated with the bill.
Mr. Kevin Paul, representing Planned Parenthood, testified in opposition to the bill. He discussed potential unintended consequences of the bill relating to the provision of health care services, and suggested amending the bill. Ms. Kepros responded to questions regarding the charging offenses in the case discussed earlier.