04:20:30 PM |
Representatives Winter and Saine, co-prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 18-167, which creates the Underground Damage Prevention Safety Commission in the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment. It also creates two case funds and makes a variety of changes to the state's excavation laws.
04:27:50 PM |
The bill sponsors responded to committee questions.
04:30:11 PM |
Mr. Brad Vitale, representing Xcel Energy, testified in support of the bill.
04:31:27 PM |
Mr. Ray Swerdfeger, representing K.R. Swerdfeger Construction, testified in support of the bill. Mr. Vitale made additional comments.
04:35:03 PM |
Mr. Vitale responded to committee questions. Representatives Saine and Winter also responded to questions.
04:40:56 PM |
Mr. Dick Brown, representing the Pikes Peak Regional Water Authority, testified in opposition to the bill.
04:47:17 PM |
Ms. Donna Brosemer, representing Greeley Water, testified in opposition to the bill.
04:51:57 PM |
Mr. Brown and Ms. Brosemer responded to a committee question.
04:55:38 PM |
Mr. Chris Piper, representing Denver Water, testified in opposition to the bill.
04:58:14 PM |
Ms. Marena Lertch, representing the City of Aurora Water, testified in opposition to the bill.
05:01:22 PM |
Ms. Lertch responded to a committee question.
05:02:48 PM |
Mr. Andrew Silvest, representing the American Council of Engineering Companies Colorado, testified in support of the bill.
05:05:23 PM |
Mr. Eric Bergman, representing Colorado Counties, Inc., testified in support of the bill.
05:06:54 PM |
Ms. Pat Ratliff, representing South Metro Water Supply Authority, testified in favor of amending the bill. Ms. Ratliff distributed information about tier 1 and tier 2 water providers [Attachment K].
05:09:46 PM |
Mr. Evan Goulding, representing the Special District Association, testified in favor of amending the bill.
05:12:20 PM |
Ms. Ratliff responded to committee questions.
05:14:32 PM |
Mr. Mannie Colen, representing the Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance, testified in opposition to the bill.
05:19:39 PM |
Mr. Chad Vorthmann, representing the Colorado Farm Bureau, testified in support of the bill.
05:21:03 PM |
Mr. Jeff Kahn, representing the Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance, testified in opposition to the bill.
05:26:42 PM |
Committee members received amendment L.019 [Attachment L].
05:28:06 PM
Motion |
Adopt amendment L.019 [Attachment L]. |
Moved |
Herod |
Seconded |
Gray |
Beckman |
Benavidez |
Covarrubias |
Gray |
Herod |
Kennedy |
Lawrence |
Michaelson Jenet |
Sandridge |
Thurlow |
Van Winkle |
Foote |
Pabon |
YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection |
05:31:07 PM |
The bill sponsors made closing remarks on the bill.
05:37:03 PM
Motion |
Refer Senate Bill 18-167, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. |
Moved |
Gray |
Seconded |
Pabon |
Beckman |
Yes |
Benavidez |
No |
Covarrubias |
Yes |
Gray |
Yes |
Herod |
Yes |
Kennedy |
Yes |
Lawrence |
Yes |
Michaelson Jenet |
Yes |
Sandridge |
Yes |
Thurlow |
Yes |
Van Winkle |
Yes |
Foote |
No |
Pabon |
Yes |
Final |