h_fin_2017a_2017-01-05t13:37:01z0 Hearing Summary
Date: 01/05/2017
Location: RM 271
Office of the State Auditor
Votes: View--> | Action Taken: |
<none> | <none> |
01:38 PM -- Office of the State Auditor
The committee was called to order. Mr. Matt Devlin, representing the Office of the State Auditor (OSA), came to the table to discuss the OSA FY 2016 Annual Report and the status of outstanding audit recommendations. He discussed the functions of the Office of the State Auditor.
01:40 PM
Ms. Cindi Radke, also representing the OSA, came to the table to highlight specific sections of the annual report. She noted that 96 percent of audit recommendations over a five-year period have been implemented to date. She stated that there is one outstanding audit recommendation for the Colorado Department of Revenue (DOR). She noted that the recommendation is outstanding for over 50 months. In response to a committee question, Mr. Devlin discussed how OSA gains departmental compliance with outstanding recommendations.