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Colorado General AssemblyToggle Main Menu

H_ED_2019A 02/20/2019 07:40:07 AM Committee Summary

Date 02/20/2019
Baisley X
Bridges E
Buckner E
Buentello E
Coleman X
Cutter E
Exum X
Geitner E
Hill E
Larson E
Lundeen X
McCluskie X
Michaelson Jenet E
Ransom E
Story X
Wilson X
McLachlan X
Todd X
Time 07:40:07 AM to 08:41:29 AM
Place Old State Library
This Meeting was called to order by Todd
This Report was prepared by Meghan MacKillop
Hearing Items Action Taken
Innovation and Creativity by Schools and Districts in Getting off the Accountability Clock Committee Discussion Only

Innovation and Creativity by Schools and Districts in Getting off the Accountability Clock - Committee Discussion Only

07:40:39 AM  

Senator Todd invited Alyssa Pearson, Deputy Commissioner, Colorado Department of Education (CDE), to the table. Ms. Pearson discussed differnet types of performance plans schools and districts utilize and discussed how CDE supports schools and districts that are on the accountability clock. Some supports that are available to schools are school turnaround leadership development, the school turnaround network, and connect for success.

07:45:48 AM  

Ms. Pearson answered committee questions regarding school performance plans and rates of participation in accountability support programs.

07:48:53 AM  

Wendy Wyman, Superintendent for Lake County School District, introduced herself to the committee and began her presentation. Ms. Wyman discussed the turnaround process for Lake County; the district had been on the accountability clock since 2012. She talked about engaging with the community in the turnaround process.  She discussed teaching and learning methods that have been implemented in the district, as well as the district's adoption of a healthy schools initiative, which consists of a school-based health center and visual arts in elementary school that created two new playgrounds.  Ms. Wyman discussed using the CDE Turnaround Network, which helped the district understand performance management and learn from schools using cutting edge learning practices in the state and around the country. She discussed key partnerships within the network, such as Relay Graduate School of Education, Achievement Network, and UNboundEd . Ms. Wyman discussed the impact that using the process has had on the students and stated that they are not in turnaround status yet, but have made major improvements.

07:59:33 AM  

Ms. Wyman answered committee questions about how the re-opening of Climax Mine has impacted the school community.  The mine provides Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) classes and other learning programs for students in the district.  She also answered questions about the amount of English language learning students in the district, expanding experiential learning to grades 7 through 12, and the Leadville "Get Outdoors Grant".   She answered questions about the interaction with CDE and the turnaround network, success in early colleges, parent and family involvement, the Family Leadership Training Institute, and other methods the district has used to engage and empower parents. She also discussed administrative changes the district has made.

08:12:34 AM  

Wesley Tuttle, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary and K-8 in Weld County School District 6, and Rhonda Haniford, Assistant Superintendent of Secondary Leadership in Weld County School District 6, introduced themselves to the committee and began their presentation, which was distributed to committee members (Attachment A). Mr. Tuttle provided an overview of the school district and the ratings for the schools in the district. He discussed funding sources for turnaround work, including Title I funds and CDE grants.

08:17:53 AM  

Dr. Haniford discussed pathways for schools in the district to get on turnaround status.  She talked about the district's partnership with CDE, which includes active monitoring by CDE and other strategies for success.  She also discussed different innovative ways the district approaches turnaround progress, including partnering with Summit Learning, an independent, free program that provides schools with tools and resources to improve student success.  She talked about how the district directs resources to schools in the district who are on turnaround status and how the district monitors schools' progress.

08:20:36 AM  

Mr. Tuttle and Dr. Haniford responded to questions from the committee about the use of grant funding, best practices for students in developing innovation pathways, and about adopting the Summit Learning model.  Theresa Meyers, Communications Director for the district, answered questions regarding the utilization of state grants and the funding resources for the district.

08:26:42 AM  

The panel of district representatives continued to respond to questions about the turnaround process and how it has impacted teacher retention, potential challenges that may arise once grant funding is not available, and how the district uses grant money.

08:36:22 AM  

The panel answered questions about how the turnaround system can improve, specifically about how much time schools should have to show improvments and how long the grants are guranteed for.  The panel suggested that the grants should be extended from three years to five years.

08:41:29 AM   The committee adjourned.