FC40E186BEF3F6A987258B6600532986 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For PERA ANNUAL PRESENTATION AND RESPONSE TO INDEPENDENT REVIEWINTERIM COMMITTEE PENSION REVIEW SUBCOMMITTEEDate Jul 26, 2024 Location Old State Library PERA Annual Presentation and Response to Independent Review - Committee Discussion Only Attachment Tag File Name Attachment A http://www2.leg.state.co.us/CLICS/CLICS2024A/commsumm.nsf/0/10350499FE4B...$File/Attachment A.pdf?OpenElement Attachment A.pdf 09:08:23 AM Mr. Andrew Roth, Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director of Colorado PERA, Ms. Amy C. McGarrity, Chief Investment Officer/Chief Operating Officer of Colorado PERA, Mr. Michael Steppat, Public & Government Affairs Manager for Colorado PERA, and Brad Ramirez, Vice President and Consulting Actuary for Segal, presented to the committee (Attachment A). 09:26:11 AM Mr. Roth, Ms. McGarrity, and Mr. Steppat responded to questions from the committee. 10:11:15 AM Mr. Ramirez responded to committee questions and presented a response to the PNYX report presented at the July 19, 2024, subcommittee meeting. 10:30:05 AM Mr. Ramirez and Ms. McGarrity continued to respond to committee questions about PERA's response to the PNYX report. 10:52:29 AM Mr. Ramirez responded to committee questions about risk assumptions used to model PERA's financial situation. 10:53:58 AM Ethan Kra responded to questions about the actuarial assumptions used in the PNYX report. 10:58:24 AM Mr. Steppat and Mr. Ramirez continued to respond to committee questions about modeling assumptions. 11:08:53 AM Ms. McGarrity and Mr. Roth responded to committee questions about how PERA compares itself to other state pension systems. 11:16:39 AM Mr. Ramirez discussed results from a recent Signal Light Report conducted by Segal and responded to committee questions.