Date Nov 3, 2021
Location HCR 0112
Community Paramedic Programs - Committee Discussion Only
10:54:04 AM |
John Farris, Community Paramedic, Eagle County Paramedic Services (ECPS), presented on the activities of ECPS. Mr. Farris' presentation slides may be viewed on the committee webpage at He stated that ECPS offers 30 services and focuses on providing the right resource to the right patient at right time. He discussed the cost savings realized through the use of the services provided. He spoke about the number of visits that his agency completed in 2020 and 2021. Mr. Farris explained that all providers in the area can refer patients to ECPS for services. He spoke about how the COVID-19 pandemic allowed his agency to show how useful they are to the community as they were the only at-home care for COVID-19 patients during the pandemic. He discussed the need for paramedic programs to receive recognition as approved providers of medical services beyond current definition of transport so they could bill insurance for the services they provide.
11:01:53 AM |
James McLaughlin, Director of Community Paramedicine, Ute Pass Regional Health Service District (UPHSD), presented on the UPHSD. His presentation slides may be viewed on the committee website at . He state that his agency provides the right care at the right time and place. He discussed the community paramedic provider training program and stated that his agency is licensed as a a home health care agency. He discussed the agency's mental health assessment program (MHAP) and how the paramedics de-escalate situations in the field and get patients to the care they need. He discussed the outcomes for clients who receive MHAP services. He spoke about the Medication Assisted Treatment that is offered through his agency. He discussed the patient satisfaction rate and a grant received from OeHI to assist with telemedicine appointments.
11:12:03 AM |
Mr. McLaughlin continued his presentation and provided additional examples of specific cases where his agency provided care. He discussed the cost of care, comparing the cost for his agency and the cost for emergency rooms.
11:15:38 AM |
Mr. McLaughlin told the committee that community paramedic programs need a sustainable funding source and recognition as a licensed community integrated health care service agency. He stated that community paramedic programs provide value to the community in the following ways: by acting as intervening professionals in an M-1 hold situation and safely transporting patients who are experiencing a mental health crisis for additional evaluation; they help reduce hospital readmission by providing care to individuals who a recently released from the hospital; and they can support local physicians and laboratory services.
11:18:51 AM |
Chief Tim Dienst, Ute Pass Regional Health Service District, told the committee about the supports community paramedics are able to provide to patients in the community, including helping seniors access telehmedicine services. He stressed the need to make community paramedics a payable service.
11:23:22 AM |
The panel responded to committee questions. Mr. McLaughlin explained his agency's community outreach efforts. Chief Dienst told the committee that much of the behavioral health services provided by community paramedic agencies are paid for by the Office of Behavioral Health and some health services are paid through private insurance, but most are services are reimbursed through private pay. Chief Dienst stated community paramedic services need to be recognize to be seen as a viable source of care.
11:30:15 AM |
Committee questions and discussion about how best to utilize the services of community paramedic programs to provided health care services to the community ensued. The committee discussed scope of practice for community paramedics, funding mechanisms, behavioral health interventions provided by community paramedics, and paramedic training partnerships.