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EFC8D9994073860687258ACA00713959 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 21, 2024      
Location Old Supreme Court

Sex Offender Management Board Prison Treatment Report - Committee Discussion Only

01:40:54 PM  

Chair Weissman called the meeting to order and made opening remarks.

The following individuals presented findings from the Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB)/ Department of Corrections (DOC) Treatment Solutions Work Group Report:

  • Chris Lobanov-Rostovsky, Program Manager, Office of Domestic Violence and Sex Offender Management, Colorado Division of Criminal Justice;
  • Kimberly Kline, Chief of Behavioral Health, DOC; and,
  • Lauren Rivas, Executive Director,  Teaching Humane Existence

Presentation slides may be viewed at this link:


02:13:37 PM  

Committee members asked questions about indeterminate sentencing and lifetime supervision for sex offenders. Committee discussion followed about potential legislation to alleviate the treatment backlog in prison.  Further discussion followed about treatment provider salaries, retention, and recruitment. Data presented in the report was also discussed. 

02:30:22 PM  

Ms. Autumn Nelson, representing themself, testified about treatment in prison.

Ms. Tami Floyd, representing themself, testified about the SOMB (Attachment A).

Mr. Rick Ostring, representing Second Chance Center, testified about treatment issues (Attachment B)

Peggy Kindig, representing themself, testified about sex offender treatment issues in prison and the community.



02:45:30 PM  

Roger Kincade, representing Advocates for Change, testified about treatment in prison and distributed handouts (Attachment C).

Marsha Brewer, representing Advocates for Change, testified about lifetime supervision.

Ms. Patricia Harris, representing Advocates for Change, testified about the SOMB.

02:53:34 PM  

Ms. Maureen Cain, representing OSPD, testified about the SOMB, the report, and waitlists in prison.

Ms. Laurie Kepros, representing Office of the State Public Defender, testified about the SOMB and distributed a handout (Attachment D)

Ms. Sarah Croog, representing themself, testified about determinate and indeterminate sentences.

Jessica Dotter, representing Colorado District Attorneys' Council, testified about the report and the SOMB.


Attachment E includes additional submitted written testimony.

03:07:31 PM  

Chair Weissman made closing remarks. 

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