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EB34B5CF63EE2DD8872583A900717053 Hearing Summary


Date Feb 22, 2019      
Location SCR 352

Presentation from the Judicial Department regarding JBC-referred budget request - Send a letter to the Joint Budget Committee that recommends fully funding the Judicial Department's R-06: IT Infrastructure.

01:39:04 PM  

Hugh Wilson, Budget Manager, Judicial Department, and Chad Cornelius, Chief Information Officer, Judicial Department, provided an overview of the Judicial Department's request: R-06: IT Infrastructure Spending Authority. A copy of the presentation can be found in Attachment A.

01:54:56 PM  
Mr. Cornelius responded to questions from the committee regarding the department's use of cloud services.
02:03:00 PM  
Representative Titone requested that the department provide a list of the facilities with the worst internet speeds across the state.
02:03:42 PM  

Mr. Cornelius responded to questions from the committee regarding leasing options considered by the department; information regarding the VideoLink support services; details related to the request for information security enhancements; whether the department has examined support available from cloud services regarding service responsiveness and data security; the risk to public safety that would exist without this requested funding; and information related to the department's IT security request.

02:17:41 PM  
Mr. Wilson responded to committee questions regarding the ability of the Judicial Department Information Technology Cash Fund to support ongoing expenses related to the requests.
02:18:55 PM  

Mr. Cornelius responded to questions from the committee related to the department's data centers; bandwidth issues in relation to cloud services; and the portion of the request related to the application development portion.  Senator Bridges requested a list of the approximately 28 pieces of custom software being support by the application development portion of the request. Mr. Cornelius responded to questions from the committee regarding to the impact of investing in new software with corresponding personnel expenses.

02:28:28 PM  

The committee discussed the committee's options regarding the request.

02:34:28 PM  

The committee discussed the role of IT within the Judicial Department and the use of external vendors for professional services.  The committee stressed the importance of creatig efficiencies within the department, including an exploration of cloud services and leasing.  The committee indicated that they were reasonably satisified with the department's explanation of being able to sustain the ongoing operational expenses with cash funds.

02:38:55 PM
Motion Send a letter to the Joint Budget Committee that recommends fully funding the Judicial Department's R-06: IT Infrastructure.
Moved Baisley
Baisley Yes
Bridges Yes
Tate Yes
Titone Yes
Singer Yes
Todd Yes
Final YES: 6   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS