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E4C6D7FF3BF852ED872589480079DCFC Hearing Summary


Date Jan 31, 2023      
Location Old Supreme Court

SB23-046 - Referred to the Committee of the Whole

03:11:08 PM  
Senator Winter introduced Senate Bill 23-046, concerning the average weekly wage for paid leave benefits. The bill modifies the calculation of family and medical leave benefits by calculating the benefit amount on all jobs worked in the base period instead of only the jobs from which the employee is taking leave. She responded to questions from the committee.
03:15:54 PM  
Ms. Melissa Young, representing the American Council of Life Insurers, testified in a neutral position on the bill.
03:20:18 PM  
Mr. Tony Gagliardi, representing the National Federation of Independent Business, testified to amend the bill.
03:22:38 PM  
Senator Winter responded to questions from the committee.
03:25:23 PM  
Ms. Kaitlin Altone, representing herself, testified in support of the bill.
03:28:38 PM  
Ms. Esther Turcios, representing the Colorado Fiscal Institute, testified in support of the bill.
03:30:59 PM  
Ms. Natalie Petrucci, representing A Better Balance, testified in support of the bill.
03:33:52 PM  
Ms. Turcios responded to questions from the committee.
03:33:53 PM  

Additional written testimony on the bill may be found in Attachment D.

03:42:30 PM  
Senator Winter made closing comments on the merits of the bill.

03:43:12 PM
Motion Refer Senate Bill 23-046 to the Committee of the Whole.
Moved Danielson
Baisley No
Coleman Yes
Ginal Excused
Hinrichsen Yes
Liston No
Sullivan Yes
Will No
Danielson Yes
Rodriguez Yes
Final YES: 5   NO: 3   EXC: 1   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS