Date Jan 13, 2020
Location Old Supreme Court Chamber
Department of Public Safety - Committee Discussion Only
01:47:16 PM |
Stan Hilkey, executive director of Department of Public Safety (DPS), introduced staff and provided an overview of the department's FY 2019-20 goals. The committee was provided with a packet of SMART Act related handouts (Attachment C). He highlighted several accomplishments and successes for the department over the past year. He responded to questions from the committee about criminal background checks for firearms purchases. He talked about the department's FY 2020-21 budget request and the 2020 legislative and regulatory agendas.
02:07:29 PM |
Chief Matthew Packard, representing the Colorado State Patrol (CSP), provided information about the CSP's mission and budget. He discussed some of the activities conducted by the patrol over the past year and CSP's operational guidelines. He focused on safety, visibility, community partnerships, and education efforts. Chief Packard explained the patrol's FY 2020-21 strategic policy initiative, which is to reduce traffic fatalities and injuries. He highlighted some notable achievements and customer service initiatives. Committee members asked questions about co-responder models and mental health and certain highway patrol routes.
02:24:16 PM |
John Camper, representing the Colorado Bureau of Investigations (CBI), explained that CBI manages statewide criminal justice information, assists with criminal investigations, conducts background checks, and operates a forensic lab. He highlighted a strategic policy initiative regarding black market marijuana and answered questions about the size and scope of them. He also discussed identity theft and the financial fraud unit, as well as hate crime reporting by law enforcement.
02:43:25 PM |
Mike Morgan, representing the Division of Fire Prevention and Control, provided an overview of the division's duties and responsibilities. He also covered notable achievements and customer service initiatives. The committee asked questions about fire fighting in Australia.
02:54:04 PM |
Kevin Klein, representing the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, provided an overview of the division, and discussed notable achievements, successes, and customer service initiatives. He also noted work on threats to the census and school safety. He answered questions from the committee about emergency alert systems, the census, and elections.
03:09:38 PM |
Joe Thome, representing the Division of Criminal Justice, provided an overview of the division, including notable achievements and successess and customer service initiatives. He answered questions from the committee about delineating between alcohol and drugs for driving under the influence and juvenile diversion and prefile.
03:36:06 PM |
Susan Walker, representing the Coalition for Sexual Offense Restoration, testified about the practices of the Sex Offender Management Board.