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DC6AA55DAE4DF1ED872583E00061D255 Hearing Summary


Date Apr 18, 2019      
Location SCR 352

SCR19-003 - Postponed Indefinitely

11:48:30 AM  

Senator Priola, prime sponsor, presented Senate Concurrent Resolution 19-003. The resolution would add a measure to the 2020 statewide ballot to repeal the state motor fuels tax and replaces it with an increase in the state sales and use tax for the purpose of funding transportation projects.

11:51:18 AM  

Emily Ibach, representing the Colorado Farm Bureau, testified about transportation funding in rural Colorado.

12:00:04 PM  

Grier Baailey, representing the Colorado-WYoming Petroleum Marketers Association, testified in opposition to the resolution.

12:04:25 PM  

Tony Milo, representing Colorado Contractors Association, testified in support of the resolution.

12:06:45 PM  

Senator Priola commented about the witness testimony.

12:08:22 PM  
Senator Winter commented about the resolution and pledged to discuss transportation funding during the interim.

12:11:27 PM
Motion Postpone SCR19-003 indefinitely.
Moved Priola
Donovan Yes
Foote Yes
Hisey Yes
Priola Yes
Scott Yes
Pettersen Yes
Winter Yes
Final YES: 7   NO: 0   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS

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