02:54:49 PM |
Senator Rodriguez and Senator Tate, co-sponsors,
presented Senate Bill 19-170 which concerns an inquiry into a college applicant's
nonacademic conduct prior to admission. Senator Rodriguez distributed
a handout to the committee (Attachment F).
02:59:57 PM |
Mike Feeley, representing the Colorado State University System, spoke in opposition to the bill in its current form.
03:05:05 PM |
Jeremy Hueth, Legal Counsel for the University of Colorado, spoke in opposition to the bill in its current form.
03:07:01 PM |
Dan Satriana, representing the University of Northern Colorado, spoke in opposition to the bill in its current form.
03:10:38 PM |
The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.
03:22:17 PM |
The panel continued to answer questions
from the committee. The co-sponsors distributed an additional handout
to the committee (Attachment G).
03:33:53 PM |
Jamie Ray, representing the Second Chance Center, spoke in support of the bill.
03:39:10 PM |
Majid Mohammed, representing himself, spoke in support of the bill.
03:44:27 PM |
Annie Freitas, representing Operation Restoration, spoke in support of the bill. She distributed a handout to the commitee (Attachment H).
03:52:57 PM |
The panel of witnesses answered questions from the committee.
04:06:33 PM |
Morgan Royal, representing New Era Colorado,
spoke in support of the bill.
04:09:37 PM |
Jen Walmer, representing Democrats for Education Reform, spoke in support of the bill.
04:11:18 PM |
Jason Hopfer, representing the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), spoke about the bill. He stated that CCCS maintains a neutral position on the bill.
04:12:30 PM |
Valerie Schlecht, representing the Colorado Cross Disability Coalition, spoke in support of the bill.
04:15:04 PM |
Sheri Krieger, representing Americans For Prosperity, spoke in support of the bill.
04:17:46 PM |
Jack Regenbogen, representing the Colorado Center on Law and Policy, spoke in support of the bill.
04:20:10 PM |
The committee took a brief recess.
04:33:40 PM |
The committee came back to order.
04:34:25 PM |
The committee asked the three university representatives to come back up to the table. Mr. Hueth, Mr. Feeley, and Mr. Satriana answered questions from the committee. Committee discussion ensued.
04:50:25 PM |
The panel continued to answer questions
from the committee. Senator Todd laid the bill over for action only
to a later date.