Date Aug 8, 2018
Location SCR 357
School Readiness, Literacy, and Preschool - Committee Discussion Only
12:31:01 PM |
Representative Buckner invited the next
presenters to the table. Floyd Cobb, Executive Director, Teaching
and Learning Unit, Colorado Department of Education (CDE), and Anji Gallanos,
P-3 Director, CDE, came to the table. A copy of their presentation
was distributed to the commission members [Attachment H]. Dr. Cobb
spoke about CDE's strategic plan. Jennifer Mello, Legislative Liaison,
CDE, answered questions about what CDE is doing to focus on teacher recruitment.
Dr. Cobb spoke about the goals of the strategic plan, which include
all students reading by 3rd grade, improving schools, increasing postsecondary
attainment, and closing the achievement gap. Ms. Gallanos spoke about
why it is important to build strong foundations in early childhood, and
the effect that families have on building strong foundations. She
said closing an achievement gap is easier the earlier it is identified
and gets more difficult the longer you wait. She discussed the importance
of a P-3 continuum which is the connection from preschool to third grade
in terms of literacy. Dr. Cobb answered questions about the percentage
of third graders in the state who are reading at or above grade level.
Ms. Gallanos explained the mission and composition of the P-3 office
in CDE.
12:43:09 PM |
Ms. Gallanos explained the early learning
theory of action to close achievement gaps. She spoke about several
of the office's programs, and explained that total state preschool funding
is about $138 million, compared to $6.37 billion in total K-12 education
funding. She talked about the Results Matter program, student retention
rates, and the intersection between those rates and those students with
no prior preschool program. Ms. Gallanos spoke about kindergarten
readiness and Colorado's Achievement Plan for Kids (CAP4K),
12:50:08 PM |
Dr. Cobb spoke about the Reading to Ensure
Academic Development (READ) Act, which focuses on early literacy development
for all students and requires that a READ plan be development for students
identified as having a significant reading deficiency. He explained
what districts can do with READ act funds, such as purchasing full-day
kindergarten or providing tutoring services in reading. He said that
in 2016, approximately 19,000 students were identified as having a significant
reading deficiency. Dr. Cobb spoke about the importance of early
intervention in closing achievement gaps and the success of early literacy
grants in reducing the number of students identified as having significant
reading deficiency. Dr. Cobb and Ms. Gallanos answered questions
from the committee.