CEB3FB393D5B6646872587DE0081A315 Hearing Summary CLICS/CLICS2022A/commsumm.nsf PUBLICBILL SUMMARY For SB22-021SENATE COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARYDate Feb 3, 2022 Location SCR 352 SB22-021 - Amended, referred to Senate Appropriations Attachment Tag File Name Attachment$File/Attachment H.pdf?OpenElement Attachment H.pdf Attachment$File/Attachment I.pdf?OpenElement Attachment I.pdf Attachment$File/Attachment J - SB021_L.002.pdf?OpenElement Attachment J - SB021_L.002.pdf 04:36:07 PM Senators Rodriguez and Lee, co-prime sponsors, presented Senate Bill 22-021, concerning the treatment of persons with behavioral health disorders in the justice system. They explained that the bill is a recommendation from the MHDCJS Legislative Oversight Committee to reauthorize the committee and associated task force, among other changes. 04:41:37 PM Sage Sigman, representing himself, testified in support of the bill with an amendment to include housing as a subject of study for the task force. He distributed a proposed amendment (Attachment H) and discussed his experiences with homelessness and the criminal justice system. Dave Iverson, MHDCJS Task Force Chair, testified in support of the bill with a suggestion to strike term limits for task force members. He also noted a change in membership concerning Department of Corrections. Mr. James Karbach, representing Colorado State Public Defender's Office, testified in support of the bill and made a suggestion about the public defender representative on the task force. Committee members asked questions about the omission of housing in the bill. 05:00:18 PM Ms Cathy Alderman, representing Colorado Coalition for the Homeless, testified to amend the bill to include housing. She submitted written testimony (Attachment I). Bethe Feltman, representing self, testified in opposition to the bill. She raised issues about the task force membership. Ms. Jennifer Roberts, representing Colorado Cross Disability Coalition, testified in support of the bill. 05:08:42 PM Gina Shimmeall, MHDCJS task force member, testified in support of the bill and recommended that housing specifically be included as a topic of task force study. 05:11:39 PM Senator Rodriguez introduced Amendment L.002 about term limits (Attachment J). 05:12:15 PM Motion Adopt amendment L.002 (Attachment J) Moved Rodriguez Seconded Cooke Gardner Rodriguez Gonzales Lee YES: 0 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: Pass Without Objection 05:12:28 PM The bill sponsors made closing remarks. 05:15:00 PM Motion Refer Senate Bill 22-021, as amended, to the Committee on Appropriations. Moved Lee Seconded Cooke Yes Gardner Yes Rodriguez Yes Gonzales Yes Lee Yes Final YES: 5 NO: 0 EXC: 0 ABS: 0 FINAL ACTION: PASS