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BE99AD29A222ECFF8725828800510EEA Hearing Summary

SB18-252 - Adopt First Report of First Conference Committee on SB18-252 (CLSB252.001)

08:45:24 AM  

Senator Gardner called the meeting to order.  He explained that lots of discussion has taken place about competency restorations, and that three draft conference committee reports have been generated as a result. 

Members received copies of conference committee reports CLSB252.001, 002, and 003 (Attachments, A, B, and C). 

Jane Ritter, Office of Legislative Legal Services, explained the differences between the three committee reports.  Committee members discussed in-custody and outpatient restoration services, jail-based behavioral health services programs, effective dates, training programs, length of time to restore competency, legislative repeal or sunset dates, and post-enactment reviews. 

Committee members discussed the merits of the bill and urged stakeholders to reach an agreement about times and dates in an effort to create a better and more efficient competency restoration process.   

Senator Gardner recessed the conference committee and announced that the committee will reconvene no earlier than 11 am this morning. 


08:10:14 PM  

The committee was called back to order.  Committee members received two new conference committee reports: CLSB252.005 and 006 (Attachments D and E).  The primary differences between the two addressed the period of time to determine whether there is a probability that competency may be restored.  

Committee members discussed acceptable lengths of time in jail for competency restoration and the federal lawsuit.  Members also discussed technical changes. 


08:15:18 PM
Motion Adopt First Report of First Conference Committee on SB18-252 (CLSB252.005)
Moved Aguilar
Aguilar Yes
Lambert No
Weissman Yes
Wist No
Lee Yes
Gardner No
YES: 3   NO: 3   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  FAIL

08:18:29 PM
Motion Adopt First Report of First Conference Committee on SB18-252 (CLSB252.006)
Moved Gardner
Aguilar No
Lambert Yes
Weissman No
Wist Yes
Lee Yes
Gardner Yes
YES: 4   NO: 2   EXC: 0   ABS:  0   FINAL ACTION:  PASS
08:18:30 PM  

Senator Aguilar requested a minority report.  Representative Weissman approved the minority report as a representative from the other chamber.