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BB2602E3F130F44E87258432007F21C5 Hearing Summary


Date Jul 9, 2019      
Location Old State Library

Update on State Agency Substance Use Disorder Programs - Committee Discussion Only

10:49:00 AM  

Cristen Bates, Office of Behavioral Health (OBH), Department of Human Services (DHS), and Lindsey Myers, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), discussed state agency policy and program efforts to address the opioid epidemic and the gaps in intervention and prevention efforts.  Ms. Bates discussed the substance use care continuum.  Ms. Bates and Ms. Myers referred to a power point during their presentation (Attachment D). 

10:53:31 AM  
Ms. Myers discussed substance abuse prevention strategies.
10:54:46 AM  
Ms. Bates discussed the role of DHS in prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery of SUD.
11:01:38 AM  
Ms. Myers discussed CDPHE's role in prevention, treatment, and harm reduction of drug and alcohol misuse.  Ms. Myers responded to questions about safe disposal of opioids.
11:08:13 AM  
Ms. Bates responded to questions about the efforts of the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) and the Consortium around prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery of opioid misuse.  She discussed the role of the Attorney General's Substance Abuse Trends Task Force; department data tracking; community engagement and alignment; and the state lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies and the management of any settlement funds. She discussed the role of the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA), the Department of Local Affairs, and the Judicial Department in supporting the education, prevention, and treatment of substance use disorders (SUD).
11:13:05 AM  

Ms. Bates continued to discuss federally funded OBH programs designed to increase prevention outreach.  She told the committee that the federal State Opioid Response Grant is $15,000,000 per year through September 2020.  She spoke about resources for treatment and responded to questions.

11:21:53 AM  

Ms. Myers discussed CDPHE's effort to identify and target population disparities using multiple data sources, such as, death, hospitalization, emergency department, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP), EMS, and population health surveys.  She discussed funding distributed by CDPHE to community grantees who work on coalition building, strengthening educational, economic, and societal policies, community or societal norms, and improving access to mental health and substance abuse services.  Ms. Myers discussed the Medication Take Back Program; the loan repayment program for behavioral health providers; CDPHE's efforts to prevent, track, and mitigate HepC and HIV outbreaks; and efforts to create and execute response plans to address emerging issues, such as Fentanyl, Naloxone standing orders, and Opioid Antagonist Bulk Order Fund.

11:28:15 AM  

Ms. Bates discussed ways to expand prevention and treatment opportunities.  Committee members commented on the disparities of treatment options within communities of color.

11:35:36 AM  

Ms. Myers discussed prevention opportunities and the PDMP.

11:47:41 AM  

Ms. Bates discussed the 1115 demonstration waiver for a residential substance use benefit under Medicaid being considered by HCPF; current OBH subsidy for the cost of residential treatment for those under 300 percent of the Federal Poverty Level, including Medicaid beneficiaries; and OBH's work with managed service organizations (MSOs) to prepare for the update by identifying areas of need and priority for funding.

11:49:35 AM  

Ms. Bates discussed policy gaps, including challenges tracking funding data and connecting the investment to outcomes. She discussed the disparity in treatment and overdose prevention expansion efforts among minority populations.  Ms. Bates commented of the need for insurance parity enforcement and coverage.

11:53:25 AM  

Ms. Myers discussed PDMP policy gaps, including the integration of the PDMP into provider workflow; sustainability issues related to grant-funded work; local prevention and harm reduction efforts; shifts in data related to prescriptions for stimulants; and provider education related to benzodiazepines.  Ms. Myers responded to committee questions.

The effective date for bills enacted without a safety clause is August 6, 2025, if the General Assembly adjourns sine die on May 7, 2025 (unless otherwise specified). Details

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