Date Aug 23, 2018
Location HCR 0112
Upper Basin Drought Contingency Planning - Committee Discussion Only
03:09:58 PM |
Ms. Mitchell further discussed administration of the Colorado River, specifically with an emphasis on drought continency planning and responses. She described the groups and stakeholders involved in managing the river, which include the Governor's Office, CWCB, and the Colorado River Compact Commission, among others.
03:12:58 PM |
Ms. Mitchell stated that drought contingency planning (DCP) is an ongoing coordinated effort of the seven basin states. Mr. Newman discussed DCP from states in the Lower Basin, which include implementing voluntary reductions in water use beyond those required. He stated that some states have also engaged in sustainability planning, recognizing the need for longer term mechanisms for addressing structural deficits in the lower basin. Mr. Newman responded to questions from the committee regarding possible curtailment in the Lower Basin and how the compact can be administered while still complying with the Doctrine of Prior Appropriation.
03:27:41 PM |
Mr. Newman discussed the DCP from the states in the Upper Basin. The main goals of the Upper Basin states are to reduce or eliminate probability of Lake Powell reaching minimum power pool elevation and to ensure the continued operation of Lake Mead.
03:32:28 PM |
Ms. Mitchell discussed efforts within Colorado to maintain compact compliance, such as the compact compliance study, Water Bank Work Group, system conservation projects, risk studies, and measures outlined in the Colorado Water Plan. She also discussed CWCB demand management outreach, wherein the CWCB identified and evaluated possible options for avoiding involuntary compact curtailment consistent with direction from the Colorado Water Plan. Ms. Mitchell stated that CWCB will not take a position regarding whether and how to develop a demand management program, rather CWCB's goal is to stay informed and assess concerns and preserve potential options and opportunities.
03:40:31 PM |
Mr. Newman and Ms. Mitchell responded to questions from the committee.